Dr Alison Tedman, Buckinghamshire New University


This selection offers a range of films adapted from young adult dystopian fiction. This field of novels, films, television, streamed series and games combine young people’s adventure and coming-of-age narratives with the dystopia and anti-eutopia, opening up dense critical issues. Some of the novels reveal the influence of cinematic and game strategies of action, spatiality and spectacle. Their screen adaptations in turn give concrete visual form to young adult dystopian conventions, including exaggerated conformity – seen in mise-en-scène - romance and the gamified use of urban environments as the setting for female and male youthful heroism. Young adult dystopias on the screen also use constructed, dangerous ‘natural’ landscapes versus pastoral nature, as well as post-apocalyptic and science fiction aesthetics.


Dr Alison Tedman, Buckinghamshire New University


  • Film studies


Young Adult, Dystopia, Science Fiction

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