Point of View

1939 - 1940
Cinemagazine - News Related
Point of View was a monthly series, produced by Spectator Short Films, which aimed to counter what its producers perceived as being the ‘propaganda’ bias of the documentary film by presenting pro and cons of social and political issues of the day. Each issue focused questions such as SHOULD NON-VOTERS LOSE THE VOTE? issue no. 3 (1939) or IS IDLENESS A VICE? issue no. 7 (1940) and different points of view were put forward in each case. For example, in SHOULD WE GROW MORE FOOD? issue no. 5 (1939) a farmer and housewife discussed whether Britain should grow more food, or import more produce. There were seven issues in all covering twelve topics. Only one issue is known to survive but unfortunately the soundtrack is missing.
This data has been compiled from reviews in the Monthly Film Bulletin and Today’s Cinema.

Films in this series can be obtained from:

Film Archive

British Film Institute (BFI)
For BFI National Archive enquiries: nonfictioncurators@bfi.org.uk For commercial/footage reuse enquiries: footage.films@bfi.org.uk
020 7255 1444
020 7580 7503
21 Stephen Street
London W1T 1LN
The BFI National Archive also preserves the original nitrate film copies of British Movietone News, British Paramount News, Empire News Bulletin, Gaumont British News, Gaumont Graphic, Gaumont Sound News and Universal News (the World War II years are covered by the Imperial War Museum).
Series held
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How to cite this record

News on Screen, "Point of View". https://learningonscreen.ac.uk/newsonscreen/search/index.php/series/161 (Accessed 03 Mar 2025)