Results: Stories
7 results found for 'MI 1072/13' in Company Reference.
Kaitak Airport
COI synopsis: The inauguration of Hong Kong’s Kaitak airport terminal.
Visit To Pakistan By Aga Khan
COI synopsis: His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan visits Pakistan’s Ismaili community.
Colombo Plan
COI synopsis: Phillipino Candido Honrado is welcomed to London as the 5,000th trainee to get to Britain under the Colombo Plan.
Royal Mint
NoS synopsis: Visits the Royal Mint in London, which manufactures coins for countries all over the world, including those in Latin America, Africa and Asia, as well as for Britain itself.
Tobacco - Wills Factory
COI synopsis: Visits a factory where raw tobacco is made into cigars and cigarettes.
Army Gymnastics
COI synopsis: A display by Army Physical Training Corps instructors.
Army Assault Course
COI synopsis: British Army soldiers undergoing the rigours of modern trainng and demonstrating a mountain rescue operation.