Results: Stories
40 results found for '1714' in Issue No..
- Date released
- 25 Aug 1927
- Series name
- Gaumont Graphic
- Issue no
- 1714
- NoS ID
- 384688
- Extras
- 1 film clip
NfO synopsis: Boats you can carry, with engines you ‘clip’ on the stern, display their prowess at Brighton.
Canada’s Baseball Season Opens
- Date released
- 26 May 1930
- Series name
- Pathe Super Gazette
- Issue no
- 1714
- NoS ID
- 088386
- Story no
- 1 / 7
- Extras
- 1 film clip
15,000 fans go wild with excitement as, ‘Union Jack’ gains narrowest of victories, (605), over, ‘Stars and Stripes’.
Battles Were ‘Most Polite’ Then!
- Date released
- 26 May 1930
- Series name
- Pathe Super Gazette
- Issue no
- 1714
- NoS ID
- 088387
- Story no
- 2 / 7
- Extras
- 1 film clip
King George II leads his troops against the French in the Battle of Dettinger, a feature of this year’s Aldershot Command Tattoo.
Rifles, Machine Guns, Aeroplanes, Cannons
- Date released
- 26 May 1930
- Series name
- Pathe Super Gazette
- Issue no
- 1714
- NoS ID
- 088388
- Story no
- 3 / 7
- Extras
- 1 film clip
'Are more beautiful than words’. Il Duce stirs 200,000 fascists to frenzy with challenging, warlike speech.
See, the Conquering Hero-Ine Comes!
- Date released
- 26 May 1930
- Series name
- Pathe Super Gazette
- Issue no
- 1714
- NoS ID
- 088389
- Story no
- 4 / 7
- Extras
- 1 film clip
Miss Diana, 19 year old champion girl golfer, received civic reception on return to her house.
So Passes the Glory - Of Exhibitions
- Date released
- 26 May 1930
- Series name
- Pathe Super Gazette
- Issue no
- 1714
- NoS ID
- 088390
- Story no
- 5 / 7
- Extras
- 1 film clip
The Great North Eastern Exhibition razed to the ground at the hands of the housebreakers.
It’s a Longer Weekend by Air!
- Date released
- 26 May 1930
- Series name
- Pathe Super Gazette
- Issue no
- 1714
- NoS ID
- 088391
- Story no
- 6 / 7
- Extras
- 1 film clip
Mr Ramsay MacDonald and Miss Isabel, (making her first trip), set the fashion for weekends in Scotland.
Empire Day!
- Date released
- 26 May 1930
- Series name
- Pathe Super Gazette
- Issue no
- 1714
- NoS ID
- 088392
- Story no
- 7 / 7
- Extras
- 1 film clip
Old and young in thousands join in great festival of prayer and praise.
Manchester University Jubilee
- Date released
- 26 May 1930
- Series name
- Pathe Super Gazette
- Issue no
- 1714
- NoS ID
- 088395
- Extras
- 1 film clip
Mr Philip Snowden, and General Dawes, among other notables, receive honorary degrees.
Manchester University Jubilee
- Date released
- 26 May 1930
- Series name
- Pathe Super Gazette
- Issue no
- 1714
- NoS ID
- 088394
- Extras
- 1 film clip
Mr Philip Snowden, and General Dawes, among other notables, receive honorary degrees.