Results: Stories

4 results found for '456-2' in Issue No..

  • To the Immortal Glory of Ypres

    Date released
    24 May 1920
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    Topical Budget
    Issue no
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    Story no
    1 / 4

    [SUBTITLE]: "On behalf of King George, and in the presence of King Albert, Viscount French of Ypres presents the MC to the deathless city. "The Field-Marshal’s tribute to his men who fell at Ypres"."

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  • Worse Than the Somme or Jutland

    Date released
    24 May 1920
    Series name
    Topical Budget
    Issue no
    NoS ID
    Story no
    2 / 4

    [SUBTITLE]: "Sir Douglas Haig and Admiral Jellicoe overwhelmed by admiring Cambridge undergrads." Admiral Jellicoe and Field Marshal Haig at Cambridge.

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  • Historic Vessel as Gift to Nation

    Date released
    24 May 1920
    Series name
    Topical Budget
    Issue no
    NoS ID
    Story no
    3 / 4

    [SUBTITLE]: "Mayor of South Shields meets the Brussels, commanded by Captain Fryatt, who was shot by Germans for fighting a U-boat. "A portrait of heroic captain the Huns overlooked"."

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  • First Aldershot Since the War

    Date released
    24 May 1920
    Series name
    Topical Budget
    Issue no
    NoS ID
    Story no
    4 / 4

    [SUBTITLE]: "King takes salute of the splendid men of the New Army. "While the King is with his troops, the Queen is with the soldiers’ children"." King George V and Queen Mary at Aldershot.

    News on Screen Cinema news To order Moving image