Results: Stories
4 results found for '"Dunstable Downs"' in Location.
Aviation: Observations by Ivan Scott: Gliders and bombers
- Date released
- 19 Aug 1937
- Series name
- British Movietone News
- Issue no
- 428A
- NoS ID
- 007908
- Story no
- 7 / 11
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Gliders and bombers. SHOTLIST: Shots of the glider in air past camera. Nears landing. Girl seated in plane. Plane being released for take off. Plane in the air. Past camera. In air....
Movietone’s Pageant of News, Sports and Aviation by Aidan Crawley, Alan Howland and Ivan Scott: British Glider Record
- Date released
- 14 Jul 1938
- Series name
- British Movietone News
- Issue no
- 475A
- NoS ID
- 009011
- Story no
- 12 / 13
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Gliding Record. SHOTLIST: Close ups of Flt Lt Bill Murray, and Stanley Sproule, who broke the duration record for a two seater glider. Also shots of the glider in flight and on ground....
(Untitled record)
- Date released
- 5 Oct 1969
- Series name
- Pathe News
- Issue no
- 69/81
- NoS ID
- 113798
- Story no
- 2 / 8
- Extras
- 1 film clip
Father John Milne, a 59-year-old parish priest, claims to be Britain’s only Reverend gentleman with a glider pilots licence.
European Gliding Championships
- Date released
- 4 Sep 1972
- Series name
- British Movietone News
- Issue no
- 2257
- NoS ID
- 029547
- Story no
- 1 / 6
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: European Gliding Championships. DESCRIPTION: Dunstable Downs, setting for the European Gliding Championships. Movietone takes to the air to give you a bird’s eye view of the...