Results: Stories
2 results found for '"Ploesti"' in Location.
Ploesti Pranged
- Date released
- 2 Sep 1943
- Series name
- Pathe Gazette
- Issue no
- 43/70
- NoS ID
- 100084
- Story no
- 3 / 4
- Extras
- 1 film clip, 1 commentary sheet, 1 shot list
The 9th United States Army Air Force (USAAF) operating in the Middle East prepares for a daylight raid on the Ploesti oilfields of enemy occupied Rumania. Over a hundred and twenty seven aircraft were sent...
Ploesti Oil Fields Devastated
- Date released
- 9 Nov 1944
- Series name
- Pathe Gazette
- Issue no
- 44/90
- NoS ID
- 100534
- Story no
- 1 / 4
- Extras
- 1 film clip, 1 commentary sheet, 1 shot list
Flying Fortresses over Ploesti oil fields through thick pall of smoke during one of their raids. Captured German film shows German firemen fighting the oilfield blaze and the aftermath of the devastated oil...