Results: Stories
163 results found for '"The March of Time Promotional Material"' in Footage or Written Source.
Football Pools
- Date released
- Feb 1936
- Series name
- The March of Time 2nd Year
- Issue no
- 3
- NoS ID
- 352138
- Story no
- 1 / 3
The March of Time synopsis: Twelve years ago most of the leading Football Pool promoters were unknown Bookmakers. Today they control the newest and most lucrative business in the country. Started in...
Unemployment - America’s big political issue
- Date released
- Feb 1936
- Series name
- The March of Time 2nd Year
- Issue no
- 3
- NoS ID
- 352136
- Story no
- 2 / 3
The March of Time synopsis: In America, the older the year 1936 becomes, the more feverish and full of ballyhoo it grows, for it brings another National election. Ballot boxes are dusted off, flag markers...
Mussolini’s Diplomatic Conquest
- Date released
- Feb 1936
- Series name
- The March of Time 2nd Year
- Issue no
- 3
- NoS ID
- 352137
- Story no
- 3 / 3
The March of Time synopsis: Few tourists today visit the capital of Albania, smallest of the Balkan kingdoms. Fewer still see Europe’s only self-made sovereign. Zog the First, whose closest friend today is...
England’s Tithe War
- Date released
- Mar 1936
- Series name
- The March of Time 2nd Year
- Issue no
- 4
- NoS ID
- 352141
- Story no
- 1 / 3
The March of Time synopsis: Rising above England’s rolling farmlands are the steeples of a thousand Churches and a hundred Cathedrals, monuments of the hard-working farmers’ service to the Church of...
United States horse racing
- Date released
- Mar 1936
- Series name
- The March of Time 2nd Year
- Issue no
- 4
- NoS ID
- 352140
- Story no
- 2 / 3
The March of Time synopsis: Every afternoon, somewhere in the U.S. is revived the pompous ceremonial of horse racing, the sport of kings. To-day its pomp is but needless formality to many who follow the...
American Fisheries
- Date released
- Mar 1936
- Series name
- The March of Time 2nd Year
- Issue no
- 4
- NoS ID
- 352139
- Story no
- 3 / 3
The March of Time synopsis: Steeped in the brave tradition of America’s oldest industry are Gloucester’s hardy fishermen who go down to the sea in little boats and take their chances on not coming back....
Ireland’s "New Deal"
- Date released
- Apr 1936
- Series name
- The March of Time 2nd Year
- Issue no
- 5
- NoS ID
- 352142
- Story no
- 1 / 3
The March of Time synopsis: As the Irish Free State comes to the fore in world affairs and there is talk of reform of the Irish Constitution. March of Time cameramen and researchers draw up the balance sheet...
Behind the scenes with roosevelt
- Date released
- Apr 1936
- Series name
- The March of Time 2nd Year
- Issue no
- 5
- NoS ID
- 352143
- Story no
- 2 / 3
The March of Time synopsis: Here, for the first time, are pictured the historic halls of the White House, the official residence of United States’ presidents since 1800. To-day, as Franklin D. Roosevelt...
The Lunatic Fringe
- Date released
- Apr 1936
- Series name
- The March of Time 2nd Year
- Issue no
- 5
- NoS ID
- 352512
- Story no
- 3 / 3
The March of Time synopsis: Barnstorming breathlessly across America to-day are the self-appointed Messiahs of rabid political minorities - the so-called "lunatic fringe". Hardly missed is the man who might...
Universities’ paid athletes
- Date released
- May 1936
- Series name
- The March of Time 2nd Year
- Issue no
- 6
- NoS ID
- 352144
- Story no
- 3 / 3
The March of Time synopsis: As forty million fans pack huge football grounds and countless others tune in to the autumn’s big games, a new and jarring note is heard. Mixed with the cheers and music is paid...