Results: Stories
605 results found for all records.
Scouts On Discovery
COI synopsis: Features sea scouts training on Captain Scott’s ship Discovery, on the Thames.
John Biscoe
COI synopsis: Takes a look at the John Biscoe on one of its trips to the British Antarctic Survey.
Commonwealth Festival
COI synopsis: A single subject issue on the Commonwealth Arts Festival.
Lister Centenary
COI synopsis: The centenary of Lister’s discovery of the principle of asepsis which revolutionised surgery throughout the world.
Long Life Milk
COI synopsis: The sterilisation of milk.
Schools In Sabah
COI synopsis: Education in Sabah, Malaysia.
Cable & Wireless School
COI synopsis: The Cable and Wireless School in Britain and a visit by one of its students to the nearby open air theatre at Minnack.
TV Puppets From Thunderbirds
COI synopsis: Behind the scenes of the televised science fiction puppet show ‘Thunderbirds’.
Neon Lights
COI synopsis: The manufacture in Britain of neon signs.
South Wales Switchgear
NoS synopsis: The manufacture in South Wales of electric switchgear intended for customers in Hong Kong.