79 results found for all records.
Cybercrimes with Ben Hammersley
- Broadcast
- 2014 (25 mins)
The Pirate Bay is one of the largest file sharing sites in the world, founded in Sweden in 2003 by Gottfrid Svartholm, Fredrik Neij and Peter Sunde. Faced with extreme pressure from the US-led entertainment...
Cybercrimes with Ben Hammersley
Cyber War
- Broadcast
- 2014 (26 mins)
It has been described as the Hiroshima of cyber war, the moment where the fevered imaginations of science fiction finally came true. From as early as 2005 a computer worm called Stuxnet disrupted what the...
Justice: A Citizen’s Guide to the 21st Century
Episode 1
- Broadcast
- 2011 (59 mins)
A specially commissioned documentary in which Michael Sandel, the world renowned Harvard professor, looks at the philosophy of justice. Is it acceptable to torture a terrorist in order to discover where a...
Lab Detectives
Paint and Glass
- Broadcast
- 2001 (14 mins)
Dr. Anya Hunt analyses glass, each batch is unique and when studied under a microscope. Paint also has a fingerprint. Broken glass and chipped paint are very common features of a large number of crimes....
Lab Detectives
- Broadcast
- 2001 (14 mins)
A man’s alibi to his girlfriend’s murder centres on a mysterious phone call. Police enquiries locate a public phone box in a sleepy village and a subsequent search reveals a broken cassette tape in a...
Lab Detectives
- Broadcast
- 2001 (14 mins)
John Allan convicted in Liverpool for the murder of his partner Cheryl Lewis. He poisoned her with cyanide while on holiday in Egypt the previous year. Her body was embalmed and returned to the UK. The death...
Lab Detectives
- Broadcast
- 2001 (14 mins)
There are millions of fibres in modern life and each can be traced to its source using mlcroscoplc analysis. The results can also be compared between a garment and fibres found at a crime scene. A original...
Lab Detectives
- Broadcast
- 2001 (17 mins)
Flies are often the first witness to a murder. They follow the microscopic telltaIe signs of death to find a body to feed on. The corpse Is covered with eggs within hours. After 4 days, insect species are...
Lab Detectives
- Broadcast
- 2001 (14 mins)
David Mulcahy was convicted of 3 murders and a series of horrific rapes years after tfie crimes were committed. In the 1980s DNA testing was In Its Infancy but the science grew up and caught Mulcahy. Without...