Richard III
- Synopsis
- What makes this ‘gloriously watchable, now as then, is Oliver’s effortlessly virtuosic performance as Richard: imperious, ironic, bruttish, sometimes hysterical and never less than smirkingly seductive’ (The Guardian, 2019).
`Building on Olivier’s extraordinary stage creation, the film asks less what the cinema can do for the theatre (as with HENRY V and HAMLET) than what the theatre can give to the cinema. It is boldly and often exhilaratingly theatrical’.
(McKernan, Luke & Olwen Terris, Walking Shadows: Shakespeare in the National Film & Television Archive (London: BFI, 1994), p. 138. - Language
- English
- Country
- Great Britain
- Medium
- Film
- Technical information
- Black-and-white / Sound
- Year of release
- 1955
- Duration
- 157 mins; 5,649 feet
- Director
- Laurence Olivier
- Producer
- Laurence Olivier
- Cinematographer
- Otto Heller
- Writer
- William Shakespeare
- Music
- William Walton
- Costume
- Carmen Dillon
- Art Direction
- Roger Furse
- Contributor
- Alan Dent
- Cast
Additional Details
- Production type
- Fiction Films
- Historical period
- Medieval
- Plays
- Richard III
- Subjects
- Drama
- Keywords
- Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)
- Related items
- Music of Lennon and McCartney, The [16/12/1965]
- Notes
- The following study extracts are available for hire on film from Filmbank: Opening - the coronation of Edward IV and Gloucester’s first soliloquy, interpolated from Henry VI Part 3; Act III ii and V vii; and Richard III, I i & ii (11 min); the coronation - IV ii (12 min).
The Network DVD version, released in 2006, is taken from a digitally-restored high definition print and is the uncut version originally released in 1955. This DVD also includes THE TRIAL OF RICHARD III, broadcast in 1984 and a collector’s booklet with articles, full cast and chapter points. - General
- A signed shooting script (dated 19 July 1954) is available to researchers at the Folger Shakespeare Library. The script includes instructions for film editors, diagram of the sets depicting changes made during production, a 2-page ALS (autograph letter signed) from Laurence Olivier to (presumably) the editors. Text has many underlinings and manuscript notes (some by William Walton) regarding music for the production.
The film’s chief sponsor on its American television premiere was General Motors. There were apparently three commercial breaks including one which said that a certain car had more power than all the horses in Richard III. - History
- On 11 March 1956, the same day as its theatrical release in the US, the film was transmitted on television in 45 states. The television screening had a predictably adverse affect on box office receipts.
- Awards
- Academy Award 1957 Nomination - Best Actor in Leading Role (Olivier)
BAFTA Film Award 1956 - Best British Actor (Olivier), Best British Film - Reviews
- Constance Brown ‘Olivier’s Richard III: a Re-evaluation’, Film Quarterly 20, no. 4 pp23-32 (reprinted in Eckert, Focus on Shakespearean Films, pp131-45].
- Title
- Trial of Richard III, The
- Synopsis
- The trial of Richard III, who was accused of murdering the princes in the Tower. The trial takes place in a reconstructed Old Bailey courtroom with the former Lord Chancellor, Lord Elwyn Jones, as Judge. Two eminent QCs, appearing under assumed names, present the case for and against the murder charges. Leading historians and scientists give evidence. Recreates a modern-day murder trial and is a study of English law.
- Duration
- 225 mins
Production Company
Distributor (Hire)
- Name
- Web
- External site opens in new window
- Phone
- +44 (0) 20 3866 6525
- Address
- 1st Floor, 67-74 Saffron Hill
UK - Notes
- The main source in the UK for hire of feature films for non-theatrical presentations. The extensive catalogue includes vintage classics, independent films and big blockbusters. Available on 16mm as well as VHS and DVD. Also provides advice on contractual matters.
Distributor (Sale)
- Name
- Web
- External site opens in new window
- Phone
- 01992 657707
- Address
- 19-20 Blythe Road
Berghem Mews
W14 0HN - Notes
- Founded in 1997, Network specialises in distributing niche television programmes, predominantly licensed from Granada Ventures and Fremantle. They have recently branched into feature film distribution. Sale via retail outlets or direct via Network’s website, which has some’web exclusive’ offers.
- Name
Retail outlets
- Name
- Web
- External site opens in new window
- Phone
- 020 8427 2777
- Fax
- 020 8427 0660
- Address
- Unit B2 Livingstone Court
55-63 Peel Road
How to cite this record
Shakespeare, "Richard III". (Accessed 12 Mar 2025)