Tempest, The
- Synopsis
- A television version of The Tempest set during the American Civil War. Critically savaged, the interpretation is concerned with slavery and the role of revenge in wartime. Gideon Prosper (Fonda), is the wealthy owner of Prosperity Plantation at a time when black labour and slavery are beginning to be interrogated in the struggle between the North and the South. He is a widower who, since his wife’s death, has preferred to retire from life, while allowing his brother to run the business of the plantation. His private studies are in voodoo magic which he performs with his black spirit, Ariel.
- Language
- English
- Country
- United States
- Medium
- Television
- Technical information
- Colour / Sound
- Transmission details
- 13 Dec 1998 (Channel: NBC)
- Duration
- 120 mins
- Director
- Jack Bender
- Cinematographer
- Steve Shaw
- Screenplay
- James S. Henerson
- Music
- Terence Blanchard
- Art Direction
- Jack Ballance
- Cast
Additional Details
- Production type
- Television and Radio Drama
- Historical period
- 19th Century
- Plays
- Tempest, The
- Subjects
- Drama
- Keywords
- Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)
- Reviews
- Coursen, H.R. Shakespeare in Space: Recent Shakespeare Productions on Screen (New York: Peter Lang, 2002), pp. 66-70.
Production Company
- Name
- Name
Library of Congress, Motion Picture, Broadcasting & Recorded Sound Division
- Web
- http://catalog.loc.gov/ External site opens in new window
- Phone
- (20) 707-8572
- Fax
- (20) 707-237’1
- Address
- Motion Picture & Television Reading Room
James Madison Building, LM 336
101 Independence Avenue, SE
Washington, D.C.
United States
Online Retailer
- Name
How to cite this record
Shakespeare, "Tempest, The". https://learningonscreen.ac.uk/shakespeare/search/index.php/title/av36979 (Accessed 05 Feb 2025)