- Synopsis
- US children’s television series. A musical comedy format show aiming to convey concepts of co-operation and guidance for living in contemporary society. Each episode dealt with a topic such as drugs, moving away, courtesy, bragging or patience. Hosted by humans Doug (Doug Momary) and Emmy Jo (Emily Peden), the show featured costumed puppet characters, primarily Freddie the Frog (played by Yanco Inone), Henrietta Hippo (Larri Thomas), and Charlie the Owl (Sharon Baird).
In this episode the animals stage the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet to encourage children to read and understand Shakespeare. Brief references to other plays are made. - Series
- New Zoo Revue, The
- Language
- English
- Country
- United States
- Medium
- Television
- Technical information
- Colour / Sound
- Transmission details
- (Channel: WUTV)
- Duration
- 28 mins
- Director
- Gordon W. Wiles; Tim Belcher
- Producer
- Barbara Atlas
- Writer
- Don Sandburg
- Cast
Don Momary Doug (Romeo) Emily Peden Emmy Jo (Juliet) Larri Thomas Henrietta Hippo (Nurse) Sharon Baird Charlie the Owl Yanco Inone Freddie the Frog
Additional Details
- Production type
- Other
- Plays
- Romeo and Juliet
- Keywords
- animals; children’s television; Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)
- History
- The series originated in 1969 at KWHY-TV in Los Angeles. New Zoo Revue was an American syndicated series broadcast 1972- 1977 in 195 episodes. SHAKESPEARE is Episode 80 but the transmission date has not been ascertained.
Production Company
- Name
Library of Congress, Motion Picture, Broadcasting & Recorded Sound Division
- Web
- External site opens in new window
- Phone
- (20) 707-8572
- Fax
- (20) 707-237’1
- Address
- Motion Picture & Television Reading Room
James Madison Building, LM 336
101 Independence Avenue, SE
Washington, D.C.
United States
How to cite this record
Shakespeare, "Shakespeare". (Accessed 15 Jan 2025)