Kings in Waiting
- Synopsis
- Television documentary. A three-part series on the life of Henry V presented by Felipe Fernandez-Armesto. This first episode examines the reputation of Henry and finds him different from the character depicted by Shakespeare.
- Language
- English
- Country
- Great Britain
- Medium
- Television
- Technical information
- Colour / Sound
- Transmission details
- 18 Jun 2001 at 21:00 (Channel: BBC Knowledge)
- Duration
- 60 mins
- Availability
- No archive copy known (7/2011)
- Contributor
- Felipe Fernandez-Armesto
Additional Details
- Production type
- Documentary/Educational/News
- Plays
- Henry V
- Subjects
- Drama
- Keywords
- Shakespeare, William (1564-1616); Henry V
Production Company
- Name
- Notes
- The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
How to cite this record
Shakespeare, "Kings in Waiting". (Accessed 10 Oct 2024)