A Trap for Banquo
- Alternative title
- BBC Schools Radio, Macbeth Episode 5
- Synopsis
- The noble Lord Macduff is conspicuous by his absence from a banquet to celebrate Macbeth’s coronation. Plagued by guilt, Lady Macbeth becomes concerned that her husband has developed a tasted for ruthless murder.
During the feast, Macbeth’s assassins return with news that infuriates him; Banquo is dead but Fleance lives. Macbeth becomes so traumatised by visions of Banquo’s Ghost at the table, that Lady Macbeth is forced to ask the guests to retire. Macbeth is determined to find the Weird Sisters and a way out of his misery. - Series
- Macbeth
- Language
- English
- Country
- Great Britain; United Kingdom
- Medium
- Radio; Video
- Technical information
- Colour / Sound
- Transmission details
- 28 Jun 2017
- Duration
- 6 mins
- Writer
- William Shakespeare
- Adaptor for Radio
- Neil Richards
Additional Details
- Production type
- Television and Radio Drama
- Plays
- Macbeth
- Notes
- The radio recording is illustrated with an colour animation. A transcript for the recording is available at: http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/schoolradio/pdfs/macbeth/episode_05.pdf
Online Availability
- Online URL
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0575nd5
- Online format
- Streamed
- Name
BBC School Radio