Shakespeare Republic: Henry V
- Alternative title
- Shakespeare Republic: Season 2 Episode 6
- Synopsis
- King Henry V grapples with two enemies: the fear of his men and the awesome might of his foes as Agincourt beckons.
- Series
- Shakespeare Repuplic
- Language
- English
- Country
- Australia
- Medium
- Video
- Technical information
- Colour / Sound
- Transmission details
- 8 Feb 2017
- Duration
- 4 mins
- Director
- Sally McLean
- Producer
- Billy Smedley; Sally McLean
- Cinematographer
- Shaun Herbertson
- Writer
- Sally McLean; William Shakespeare
- Editor
- Sally McLean; Thanassi Panagiotaras
- Music
- Jordan Ross
- Sound Design
- Tim McCormick
- Cast
Billy Smedley King Henry V Amjinder Mann Soldier Ethan Jackson Soldier Jahran Schansemma Soldier Jamie Hannah Soldier
Additional Details
- Historical period
- Contemporary
- Plays
- Henry V
- Subjects
- Shakespeare
- Keywords
- armed conflict; war; fear; Henry V
- Notes
- A web series where extracts from Shakespeare’s plays are dramatised in the form of short episodes featuring some of his most memorable characters.
Online Availability
- Online URL
Production Company
- Name
Incognita Enterprises
- Web
- External site opens in new window
- Address
- P O Box 9305
South Yarra
How to cite this record
Shakespeare, "Shakespeare Republic: Henry V". (Accessed 26 Dec 2024)