
6 results found for '"mime"' in Keywords.

  • Hamlet...Performed Through the Art of Silence (2002 Video)

    aka: Hamlet...the Rest is Silence

    Paata Tsikurishvili

    A wordless adaptation of Hamlet in 14 scenes devised by Paata Tsikurishvili, incorporating mime, music and dance. Videotaped for the WAPAVA by James J. Taylor.

  • Macbeth Taped (1997 Film)

    Margaret Williams
    Anne Beresford

    Actors and directors explore scenes from Macbeth, including scenes performed in Wapping Hydraulic Pumping Station. The film uses elements of the play as a springboard for telling stories without using words,...

  • Alive from off Centre (1990 Television)

    aka: Stuff As Dreams Are Made on

    Words on Fire
    John Schott

    Series of arts programmes featuring the work of avant garde artists. In this episode, in a solo performance piece entitled ‘Stuff As Dreams Are Made On’ , Fred Curchack puts on a variety of masks and...

  • Comedy of Errors, The (1983 Television)

    aka: The Shakespeare Plays

    BBC Television Shakespeare
    James Cellan Jones
    Shaun Sutton

    Television production with Michael Kitchen and Roger Daltrey doubling the roles of Antipholus and Dromio respectively. The ‘commedia dell arte style is underscored by the integration of mimes into the play.

  • Teatr W Polace (1981 Film)

    aka: Theatre in Poland

    Stanislav Moszczuk
    Albert Walter

    Theatre in Poland. Includes an excerpt from Wroclaw Mime Theatre’s Hamlet.

  • Dvoye (1965 Film)

    aka: Two in Love Dvoe

    Mikhail Bogin

    Short. Relates the growing love between an student oboist and a beautiful girl who studies at a circus theatre for deaf mutes. In one scene the boy watches the girl as the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet...