
54 results found for '"University of Oxford"' in Organisations.

  • 'No Man Ever Loved’: Looking for Shakespeare in His Sonnets (2021 Video)

    Recording of a live illustrated lecture by Anna Beer, which explores what can be divined about Shakespeare the man from his sonnets. Followed by a Q&A.

  • Willplay: Chat, Play, Learn Shakespeare (2021 Audio)

    Audio podcast. Abigail Williams, Felicity Brown and Rachael Hodge discuss the development of WillPlay, an AI-powered reimagining of Shakespeare’s plays for school students, allowing them to interact online...

  • Shakespeare and the Plague (2020 Multimedia)

    Oxford at Home

    Recording of an online lecture by Professor Emma Smith in which she discusses what Shakespeare did during the plague (did he write King Lear at that time, as many suggest?) and what this might teach us about...

  • Cymbeline (2017 Audio)

    Approaching Shakespeare

    King Cymberline goes to war in protest over Roman demands for England to pay a tribute. Having won the war and captured his enemies, Cymberliine decides to pay the tribute despite his victory. In this...

  • All’s Well That Ends Well (2017 Audio)

    Approaching Shakespeare

    Married to Bertram, who chooses to go to war rather than recognise her as his wife; Helena shows equal determination when he challenges her to become pregnant by him. Bertram is undone when Helena triumphs...

  • Merry Wives of Windsor (2017 Audio)

    Approaching Shakespeare

    A significant character in Shakespeare’s history plays, Falstaff takes centre stage - getting up to mischief and chasing potential loves in the "Merry Wives of Windsor". In this lecture, Professor Emma...

  • Henry IV, Part 2 (2017 Audio)

    Approaching Shakespeare

    Following the loss of England’s French territories, Henry VI is plagued by power struggles, insubordination and threats to his monarchy. Part of a trilogy of plays, Emma Smiths asks whether it’s still...

  • Two Gentlemen of Verona, The (2017 Audio)

    Approaching Shakespeare

    The 2017 series of Shakespeare lectures concludes with an exploration of one of the Bard’s early comedies.

  • Venus and Adonis (2016 Video)

    The Bodleian Libraries (Bodcasts)

    Video podcast. Professor Katherine Duncan Jones, Senior Research Fellow, Somerville College, gives a talk on Venus and Adonis. In 1592-93, with London playhouses closed because of plague, Shakespeare wrote...

  • Everyday Death in Shakespeare’s England (2016 Video)

    The Bodleian Libraries (Bodcasts)

    Video podcast. This podcast by Steven Gunn talks about accidental deaths and the hazards of everyday life in Shakespeare’s day. Coroners’ inquest reports into accidental deaths tell us about the hazards...