
6 results found for '"Cam Magee"' in Person.

  • King John (2013 Video)

    Tom Prewitt

    Video recording of WSC Avant Bard’s production of King John with Ian Armstrong in the title role. Tony Hoos is the videographer for WAPAVA.

  • Comedy of Errors, The (2004 Video)

    Joe Banno

    Video recording of Joe Banno’s 2004 production of The Comedy of Errors for the Folger Theatre set in the Italian/American Brooklyn neighbourhood. Clinton Brandhagen plays Antipholus of Syracuse and Ephesus...

  • Macbeth (2001 Video)

    Joe Banno

    A video recording of Joe Banno’s 2001 production of Macbeth for the Folger Theatre, videotaped for WAPAVA by James. J. Taylor. Michael Tolaydo and Lucy Newman Williams are the Macbeths. The play is set in...

  • Dresser, The (1999 Video)

    Michael Tolaydo

    Video recording of Michael Tolaydo’s 1999 staging of Ronald Harwood’s play based on the touring career of Donald Wolfit, for whom Harwood was the dresser. An actor-manager of the old school takes a...

  • Hamlet (1999 Video)

    Joe Banno

    Video recording of Joe Banno’s 1999 production of Hamlet for the Folger Theatre. Banno employs three actresses and one actor to play Hamlet. Holly Twyford plays the central Hamlet and the three other...

  • Merchant of Venice, The (1995 Video)

    Joe Banno

    Video recording of the production by the Source Theatre Company directed by Joe Banno with Michael Tolaydo as Shylock. Videotaped for Theatre on Film and Tape (TOFT) by James J. Taylor.