
5 results found for '"J. Stuart Blackton"' in Person.

  • Silent Shakespeare (2004 Video)

    J. Stuart Blackton; William Kennedy-Laurie Dickson; Charles Kent; Gerolamo Lo Savio; Percy Stow

    A compilation of seven early silent versions of Shakespeare plays, created from nitrate prints held in the BFI National Archive. They include examples of hand-stencilled and tinted prints, and, though...

  • Cardinal Wolsey (1912 Film)

    J. Stuart Blackton; Lawrence Trimble

    Fiction short depicting the historic disagreement between Henry VIII and Cardinal Wolsey concerning the king’s divorce from Catherine of Aragon. McKernan & Terris (op cit) note "the debt to Shakespeare is...

  • King Lear (1909 Film)

    William V. Ranous
    J. Stuart Blackton

    Abbreviated version of the play but yet still straining to incorporate the Edgar subplot, the rejection of Cordelia, Lear’s rejection of Goneril and Regan, the blinding of Gloucester (off stage), the...

  • Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (1909 Film)

    J. Stuart Blackton; Charles Kent

    Abbreviated version of the play closely following the original with the exception of a new character, Penelope. It is she who quarrels with Titania and tells Puck to bewitch Titania.

  • Julius Caesar (1908 Film)

    William V. Ranous
    J. Stuart Blackton

    Abbreviated version of the play. At the Capitol Julius Caesar leaves with Mark Antony while Caesar is seen plotting with another man. In the arena Antony offers Caesar the crown three times. Cassius...