
5 results found for '"Piotr Rozanski"' in Person.

  • Makbet (1988 Television)

    aka: Macbeth

    Krzysztof Nazar

    A Polish television version of Macbeth directed by Krzysztof Nazar. Daniel Olbryschski and Joanne Szczepkowska are the Macbeths.

  • Wesole Kumoszi z Windsoru (1979 Television)

    aka: Merry Wives of Windsor, The

    Jozef Slotwinski; Stanislaw Zajaczkowski

    A production, for Polish television, of The Merry Wives of Windsor directed for stage by Jozef Slotwinski and for television for Stanislaw Zajaczkowski. Jerzy Binczycki is Falstaff.

  • Jak Wam Sie Podoba (1972 Television)

    aka: As You Like It

    Maryna Broniewska

    A Polish television production of As You Like It directed by Maryna Broniewska. Barbara Kobrzynska is Rosalind.

  • Troilus I Kresyda (1971 Television)

    aka: Troilus and Cressida

    Lidia Zamkow

    Polish television production of Troilus and Cressida directed by Lidia Zamkow. Jerzy Plonski and Bogumila Murzynska in the title roles.

  • WieczÓr Trzech KrÓli Albo Co Chcecie (1969 Television)

    aka: Twelfth Night

    Maryna Broniewska

    Television production of Twelfth Night directed by Maryna Broniewska and realised for television by Wlodzimierz Pawlak. Role names unknown (10/2008).