3 results found for '"Romuald Pekny"' in Person.
Macbett (2004)
- Director
- Gedeon Kovacs; Liviu Ciulei
Ionesco’s play directed by Liviu Ciulei for the Müncher Kammerspiele in 1973, and for television by Gedeon Kovacs. Heinz Baumann is Macbett.
Titus Andronicus (1986 Audio, Radio)
- Producer
- Fritz Zecha
Austrian radio version of Shakespeare’s play produced by Fritz Zecha. With Romuald Pekny in the title role and Marion Degler as Tamora.
Wie Es Euch Gefaellt (1970 Television)
aka: As You Like It
- Director
- Otto Schenk
German television version of As You Like It directed by Otto Schenk. Role names not known (9/2007).