3 results found for '"Ateliers Berthier"' in Theatre.
Roi Lear, Le (2007 Television, Video)
aka: King Lear
- Director
- André Engel
Recording for French television of King Lear directed by André Engel and staged by the Théâtre National de l’Odéon. Michel Piccoli is Lear.
Rose et la Hache, La (2005 Video)
aka: Rose and the Axe, The
- Director
- Georges Lavaudant
Carmelo Bene’s production of Richard III re-created and directed by Georges Lavaudant.
Amleto, La Veemente Esteriorità Della Morte di un Mollusco (2004 Video)
aka: Hamlet, The Vehement Externalism of a Mollusc’s Death
- Director
- Romeo Castellucci
A re-interpretation and deconstruction of Hamlet by Renato Castellucci. Amleto has only one performer, a child, who recites extracts of text, only one of which is recognisably from Hamlet. It is a study of...