22 results found for '"Carpenter"' in Character.
Lear (1983 Video)
- Director
- Barry Kyle
A video recording, using a single, fixed camera, of the Royal Shakespeare Company’s 1983 production of Edward Bond’s play, directed by Barry Kyle with Bob Peck as Lear. ‘In Bond’s play, Lear is a...
Julius Caesar (1977 Audio)
- Director
- John Schlesinger
Live audio recording of John Schlesinger’s 1977 production of Julius Caesar for the National Theatre with John Gielgud as Caesar and Mark McManus as Mark Antony.
Julius Caesar (1972 Radio)
- Series
- Monday Play, The
- Producer
- Martin Jenkins (2)
Radio version of Julius Caesar adapted and produced by Martin Jenkins with Nigel Stock as Julius Caesar and Anthony Bate as Brutus. The music was specially composed by Derek Oldfield. Special effects by...
Lear (1971 Audio)
- Director
- William Gaskill
A live sound recording of Edward Bond’s play Lear first performed at the Royal Court theatre, London. Harry Andrews is Lear.
Plebians Rehearse the Uprising, The (1970 Audio)
aka: Plebejer Proben den Aufstand
- Director
- David Jones
Live audio recording of Günther Grass’s play that was inspired by the Stalin-Allee worker’s march against the headquarters of the Socialist Unity Party in East Berlin on June 17, 1953 and the reaction...
Julius Caesar (1969 Television)
- Series
- Play of the Month
- Director
- Alan Bridges
- Producer
- Cedric Messina
Televised adaptation of the play with Maurice Denham as Caesar and Robert Stephens as Mark Antony.
Colossus, The (1963 Television)
- Series
- Spread of the Eagle, The
- Director
- Peter Dews
- Producer
- Peter Dews
The fourth episode of a nine-part BBC television series comprising three of Shakespeare’s Roman plays - Coriolanus, Julius Caesar, and Antony and Cleopatra. This episode covers Act I-II of Julius Caesar.
Julius Caesar (1960 Television)
- Series
- Schools Drama
- Director
- Ronald Eyre
- Producer
- Ronald Eyre
First part of a four-part televised production of Julius Caesar designed for schools.
Julius Caesar (1960 Television)
- Series
- For Schools
- Producer
- Ronald Eyre
Julius Caesar in four episodes and produced for schools television by Ronald Eyre. James Maxwell is Mark Antony and Ralph Michael is Caesar.
Julius Caesar (1955 Radio)
- Series
- World Theatre
- Producer
- Val Gielgud
Radio version of the play produced by Val Gielgud. With Sebastian Shaw as Brutus, George Hayes as Cassius and Richard Williams as Caesar. The music is specially written by Christopher Whelen.