22 results found for '"Lady Faulconbridge"' in Character.
King John (1989 Video)
- Director
- Deborah Warner
A video recording, using a single, fixed camera, of the 1988 Royal Shakespeare Company’s production of King John. Directed by Deborah Warner with Nicholas Woodeson as King John and Ralph Fiennes as Louis...
Life and Death of King John, The (1984 Television)
aka: The Shakespeare Plays
- Series
- BBC Television Shakespeare
- Director
- David Giles
- Producer
- Shaun Sutton
A BBC television production with Leonard Rossiter in the title role.
King John (1975 Audio)
- Director
- John Barton; Barry Kyle
Live sound recording of the Royal Shakespeare Company’s 1974 production of King John directed and re-worked by John Barton assisted by Barry Kyle. Emrys James is King John.
King John (1974 Video)
- Director
- Peter Dews
Video recording of Peter Dews’ 1974 production of King John for the Stratford (Ontario) Shakespeare Festival with Edward Atienza in the title role.
Koenig Johann (1971 Television)
aka: King John
A production for Austrian television of Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s adaptation of Shakespeare’s play. Helmut Qualtinger plays King John.
King John (1969 Radio)
- Director
- Andrew C. Love
Radio version, heavily abridged, of Edward S. Brubaker’s 1969 production of King John for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Directed for radio by Arthur C. Love with George Taylor as King John.
King John (1961 Audio)
- Director
- George Rylands
A recording of King John by the Marlowe Dramatic Society directed by George Rylands. Michael Hordern is King John.
King John (1958 Radio)
- Director
- Douglas Seale
- Producer
- Norman Wright
Radio broadcast of Douglas Seale’s production of King John for the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre Company. Adapted and produced for broadcasting by Norman Wright. With Robert Harris in the lead, Alec Clunes...
King John (1953 Radio)
- Series
- World Theatre
- Producer
- Wilfrid Grantham
Radio version of Shakespeare’s play adapted and produced for broadcasting by Wilfrid Grantham. With Robert Harris as King John and Noel Iliff as narrator. The incidental music is conducted and composed by...
Life and Death of King John, The (1952 Television)
- Producer
- Stephen Harrison (2)
Televised recording produced by Stephen Harrison with Donald Wolfit in the title role.