
72 results found for '"R.L. Paul Productions"' in Organisations.

  • "A Poor Player That Struts and Frets His Hour Upon the Stage" (2016 Audio)

    aka: Auditioning for Shakespeare

    Shakespeare Unlimited
    Richard Paul

    Podcast from the Folger Shakespeare Library. Laura Wayth confesses that she’s never read any of Shakespeare’s plays but she has listened to the plays performed over and over, and it’s a keen ear that...

  • "From the Farthest Steep of India" (2016 Audio)

    aka: Shakespeare in India

    Shakespeare Unlimited
    Richard Paul

    Podcast from the Folger Shakespeare Library. What impact has Shakespeare’s writing had on Indian theatre? And, how has Indian theatre shaped and altered Shakespeare’s work? Shakespeare’s interaction...

  • "Press Among the Popular Throngs" (2016 Audio)

    aka: Pop Sonnets

    Shakespeare Unlimited
    Richard Paul

    Podcast from the Folger Shakespeare Library. Erik Didriksen takes hit songs from artists such as Taylor Swift and Coldplay and rewrites them as Elizabethan-style sonnets. Tumblr, where Didriksen has posted...

  • "Every Tongue Brings in a Several Tale" (2016 Audio)

    aka: Shakespeare and World Cinema

    Shakespeare Unlimited
    Richard Paul

    Podcast from the Folger Shakespeare Library. Mark Thornton Burnett speaks on foreign-language film adaptations of Shakespeare’s plays. "To imitate Shakespeare or to use Shakespeare either on stage or in...

  • "Enter Prospero in His Magic Robes, And Ariel" (2016 Audio)

    aka: Shakespeare and Magic

    Shakespeare Unlimited
    Richard Paul

    Podcast from the Folger Shakespeare Library. In The Tempest, the magician Prospero conjures up a storm, charms his daughter to sleep, and uses his power to control Ariel and other spirits. Is this magic...

  • "To Repair Should Be Thy Chief Desire" (2016 Audio)

    aka: Inside the Folger Conservation Lab

    Shakespeare Unlimited
    Richard Paul

    Podcast from the Folger Shakespeare Library. The Library holds the world’s largest Shakespeare collection, and the crown jewels of that collection are the 82 First Folios. To celebrate 400 years of...

  • Reduced Shakespeare Company (2016 Audio)

    Shakespeare Unlimited
    Richard Paul

    Podcast from the Folger Shakespeare Library. Discovered in a treasure-filled parking lot in Leicester, England, an ancient manuscript proves to be the long-lost first play by none other than the young...

  • "I Have O’Erheard a Plot of Death Upon Him" (2016 Audio)

    aka: Kill Shakespeare Comics

    Shakespeare Unlimited
    Richard Paul

    Podcast from the Folger Shakespeare Library. Kill Bill is a comic book series in which Shakespeare’s most popular characters team up in rival, warring camps bent on seizing control of the kingdom that is...

  • "This Precious Book" (2016 Audio)

    aka: Creating Shakespeare’s First Folio

    Shakespeare Unlimited

    Podcast from the Folger Shakespeare Library. Emma Smith, Professor of Shakespeare Studies at the University of Oxford, and the author of The Making of the First Folio, authenticated the First Folio that was...

  • "I Speak of Africa" (2016 Audio)

    aka: Shakespeare in Africa

    Shakespeare Unlimited
    Richard Paul

    Podcast from the Folger Shakespeare Library. When the British came to colonise the African continent in the middle of the 1800s, they brought Shakespeare with them. But after the British left power, it was...