UPI Lib Ng Non-Aligned Nation Conference Various Speeches

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Algeria Non-Aligned Nation Conference
8 Sep 1973
Various speeches and scenes from the 1973 Non-Aligned Nations Conference in Algiers. The Secretary General of the Movement at this time is Houari Boumedienne President of Algeria.
  • 1. various shots of President of Cambodia General Lon Nol speaks SOUNDBITE As head of State for the Kingdom of Cambodia I address this conference... challenges facing our countries will effect more nations... need to avert new disasters... our ranks have swelled from
  • 25. countries to
  • 76. today... what could be a more fitting forum for such a conference as Algeria... throwing off the yoke of imperialism... shining example... spirit of self-sacrifice of Algerian people building up a good economy is an example to us all... Cambodian people will forever be grateful for the support of Algerian people since
  • 1970.
  • 2. ms delegates listening
  • 3. ms Lon Nol leaves the stage returns to his seat.
  • 4. ws Yasser Arafat seated with delegates
  • 5. ws Fidel Castro President of Cuba addresses the conference from the top table SOUNDBITE (in Spanish)
  • 6. ws Indian (?) delegate speaks SOUNDBITE speaks of increasing membership and the Cold War. Speaks of attempts to divide the world between major powers.
  • 7. ws President Senghor of Senegal speaking SOUNDBITE (in French)
  • 8. ms President Senghor (still speaking)
  • 9. various shots of delegates Houari Boumedienne of Algeria
  • 10. ms Yasser Arafat to the podium and applauded speaks SOUNDBITE (in Arabic)
  • 11. ws Yasser Arafat still speaking.
  • 12. ms Arafat leaves the stand
  • 13. ws and zoom in to ms Col Muammar Gadaffi President of Libya takes the podium speaks SOUNDBITE (in Arabic)
  • 14. ws Gadaffi leaving the podium returning to his seat
Film status
Processing date
8 Sep 1973
Processing location
Original film
Colour Reversal
Original sound
AP Television

How to cite this record

'UPI Lib Ng Non-Aligned Nation Conference Various Speeches', 8 Sep 1973. https://learningonscreen.ac.uk/upitn/search/index.php/story/z032789 (Accessed 31 Jan 2025)