Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: Premier Home from Travels


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
11 Feb 1943
Date submitted
Feb 1943
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Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Premier Home From Travels (Fall of Tripoli). DESCRIPTION: During his historic tour Tripoli fell, and Movietone here presents the first pictures of the final elimination of Italy’s Colonial Empire. SHOTLIST: Cut story - Aerial shots of Tripoli & its harbour. Soldiers march along road into & out of camera, single file. Crusader Tanks along road into camera. Valentine tank with pipe aboard enters Tripoli into camera. Soldiers with ‘Jack’ run along mole & hoist same. CU flag & pan up with it. CU flag flying. Elevated shot of artillery in town square. Elevated shots of tanks in city lined up. CU Father & child in arms giving ‘V’ sign. Group shot of Vice-Governor of Libya; Prefect of Tripolitania; Mayor of Tripoli with Monty. CU SV of Monty VG. Monty in open car enters city, acknowledges crowds lining street & stands in car saluting troops & tanks lining street. Highland troops march in playing bagpipes. Various elevated shots of same with Highlanders on balcony looking on. Churchill down steps with Casey & Lord Lampson, followed by General Sir A Brooke, General Wilson, General Dill & Admiral Harwood. Pan of group in grounds of Lampson residence. L to R Harwood, Brooke, Wilson, Alexander, Dill. Casey & Lampson, not forgetting Churchill. CU Churchill & Casey. Liberator taxies across aerodrome into camera (Turkey) awaited by Turkish officials. CU ‘Commando’ & other signs on nose of plane. Mr Sarajoglu (Premier) shakes hands with Churchill, Sir Hugh Knatchbull-Huggesson also shakes hands with Churchill. Pan of train in which conference took place. Interior shot of party arranging themselves at table. Pan of seated group. CU Sarajoglu, Ismet Inonu & Churchill. Party out of train. Churchill shakes hands with Inonu. Churchill is in mufti, Brooke was also present in party (all wore mufti). Churchill at Cyprus in uniform of Air Comm. inspecting Cyprus troops, Sir Charles Woolley. Churchill & Lady Woolley standing in grounds, pan CU of same. Churchill shakes hands with ecclesiastical leaders, then addresses small gathering of Cypriots. Crowds cheer; Churchill & Woolley on balcony. Churchill appears to be filing his nails. At Tripoli. Churchill & Brooke out of plane. Churchill walks up to Monty & warmly shakes his hand, using both hands. C & Monty followed by Brooke etc. walk into camera. CU of C & Monty’s legs as they walk off. Churchill followed by Brooke enter Monty’s caravan. Hundreds of soldiers gathered in field hear Churchill address, he also shakes hands with many officers. CU Churchill addressing behind mike. Led by Monty the men give three cheers. C drives through Tripoli in open car, various shots, elevated etc. troops & tanks line route. On stand are C, Brooke, & Monty. Churchill takes salute as Highlanders march past playing bagpipes, followed by motor drawn artillery, tanks etc. Shot of statue of Romulus & Remus (Founders of Rome) & their foster mother (a wolf) at harbour. Elevated shot of parade, tanks including Crusaders, Matildas, Valentines, Shermans & Grants. England, Liberator taxies. Churchill shaking hands with Portal (CU), pan of Churchill’s luggage including crates of fruit, train into station. Churchill & wife out, greeted by his brother, Mrs Sandys & daughter, & several members of the Cabinet. Churchill & wife in closed car, which drives out of station, finishes with CU of Churchill in Air Commodore uniform. Cuts - At Tripoli, Alexander & crowd following Churchill & Monty, along road. Churchill at saluting base, on stand are Churchill, Monty, Brooke & Alexander. Churchill, Monty, Brooke & Alexander walking over hill country to inspect troops. Pan of seated soldiers. Elevated shot of car carrying Churchill, Monty, & Brooke through Tripoli. Churchill stands acknowledging crowds. Group of natives at gates of city. LS of car into camera. Churchill climbs onto stand, troops & motorised columns march past, Bren carriers etc. Shot of road with armoured cars, Jeeps passing along, followed by Churchill, Monty in car. Camera is following car along road. Elevated shots of sunken ship in harbour. Shots of damaged mole, railway engines. Ships across entrance to harbour. Troops march past, bagpipes at side of road playing (silent). Shot of people running behind crowds to get look at Churchill. MS Churchill, Monty & Brooke. Churchill shakes hands with Yanky pilots. Churchill gives ‘V’ sign to troops, walks off followed by Monty & Brooke. Churchill in car up to stand, officers in front of stand at attention. Churchill is presented totem. Elevated shot of troops etc. marching out of camera through streets VG. Churchill & Monty in closed car drives away. Churchill giving ‘V’ sign. Churchill & Woolley conversing walk up & down tennis court. In Turkey, GS of party already named. Guard stands by train. CU Churchill lighting cigar, Brooke & Alexander sit next to one another. On road to Tripoli, various types of tanks (already named) over desert, carrying wounded to ambulance, Mass Army lorries over desert into camera. LS desert & guns firing, prisoners brought in. Italian prisoners help to push bogged lorry. LS of Tripoli on horizon. Captured artillery. Arabs watching soldiers boiling water, also looking at military orders to populations (pasted on wall). Elevated LS of convoy of Army, civilians wave & cheer. CU Drummers of bagpipers. Shot of their feet as they march. MS of Highlander Bagpipers. Churchill & Monty with Corps Commander General Sir Oliver Leese, & Captain Randolph Churchill lunch at Corps HQ, afterwards inspect Division of New Zealanders, as they march past. Churchill poses for picture with Alexander, Brooke & Monty. In march are included 6 pounder & 25 pounder guns. In England. From first Liberator gets Brooke & Lord Cadogan, greeted by Portal. Second Lib (carrying Churchill) escorted by Spitfires. Air Commander Kingston McCloughry shakes hands with Churchill. PM climbs out of belly of plane. CU Nose of plane shows ‘Hammer & Sickle’ Turkish Crescent & Moon markings, & of course ‘Commando’. Outside Tripoli shows personalities seated on chairs include Air Commodore Broadhurst. At Castel Benito Aerodrome Churchill gets out of plane, minus cigar. Monty & Air Commodore Whitford pilot Churchill to his car. Queens Royal Regiment in Bren Gun Carriers along road (those in cut story marching single of same regiment). Monty’s car leaving Benito gate into city. Shots of 25 pounders firing & CU of same. Shot of Bostons in formation.
Politics and government; Buildings and structures; Ships and boats; Music and dance; Vehicles; Health and medicine; Food and cooking; Children; Environment; Weapons; Aviation; Railways; Communications; Conferences; Ceremonies; Colonialism; War damage; Prisoners of war; Local government; Military; Religion and belief
Turkey; Egypt; Cairo; Tripoli; Cyprus; Adana
Footage sources
Army Film Unit
British Paramount
Royal Air Force Film Unit [RAFFU]
Card file number
Leslie Mitchell
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