Movietone’s News - Reported by Lionel Gamlin: American Scene


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
14 Apr 1947
Date submitted
8 Apr 1947
Stories in this Issue:


Story No. within this Issue
2 / 4
Section Title
Movietone’s News - Reported by Lionel Gamlin
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: The American Scene. DESCRIPTION: TRUMAN SPEECH - President Truman outlines policies at a Jefferson Day Dinner in Washington. PORTABLE CAR LIFT - A new way to solve the parking problem, cars are stacked on platforms and retrieved by a fork liftPHONE STRIKE - America has been paralysed by a strike of Telephone Operators, only emergency calls go through. The strikers picket the American Telephone and Telegraph Building in New York. EASTER SUNDAY - Easter is marked at the Hollywood Bowl with an impressive service. In New York record crowds packed Fifth Avenue for the Easter Parade. SHOTLIST: PRESIDENT SPEAKS ON US BUDGET - Interior shots GV elevated of Jefferson Day Dinner in Washington. CU Truman addressing dinner, tells them that the Budget is not only going to balance but shows a credit. (87 secs). SLIP PAN - NEW PARKING DEVICE - Various shots of cars parked on shelves being lowered and lifted off by automatic lifts and lowered to ground. (37 secs). SLIP PAN - TELEPHONE STRIKE - Tilt down to telephone exchange building, pickets male and female walk up and down outside displaying banners etc. Interior shows automatic telephone exchange still working for emergency calls. Finish on men picketing outside exchange. (38 secs). SLIP PAN - EASTER SUNDAY IN AMERICA (Mute) - LS Hollywood Bowl, showing thousands of people gathered at service, singing Halleujah. GV cross made up by choir. SLIP PAN - Tilt down to St Patrick’s Cathedral, New York, Shows thousands on side walk parade in the Easter sun. Women display new hat styles etc. (38 secs).
Royalty; Politics and government; Fashion and costume; Religion and belief
Footage sources
Card file number
Lionel James Gamlin
Length of story (in feet)
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How to cite this record

'Movietone’s News - Reported by Lionel Gamlin: American Scene', British Movietone News Issue No. 932, 14 Apr 1947. (Accessed 01 Feb 2025)