The Cold War
- Series Name
- British Movietone News
- Story No. within this Issue
- 3 / 3
- Summary
- MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: The Cold War. DESCRIPTION: Movietone recalls some of the trials and tribulations of last Winter, and underlines ways of beating the Winter to come. Mr Marples plan for keeping traffic moving. A vaccine to ward off flu. A plan to guarantee coal supplies. Plus suggestions on other ways to beat the cold. SHOTLIST: Key scene. GV train with snow plough attached. MS travelling along line. CU dog in snow. ES aerial snow drifts. LS aerial snow plough clearing road. MS lorries along snow-covered road. MS shovel of snow plough. MCU man moving arms to keep warm. CU putting socks on (a few layers). CU tray of eggs. MS woman placing tray with eggs on table. CU another woman injects eggs with flu vaccine. MCU placing the eggs into incubator. CU same in incubator. MCU breaking eggs. MCU bottle with vaccine. CU same. MCU people queuing up for inoculation. MS man carrying bottles of spirits. CU label (whisky). CU water running out of car radiator. MCU man pouring in anti-freeze. CU anti-freeze leaking from car. MCU man lining doors with draught protection. CU same. CU man nailing protection on doorway. GV snow-covered street. MCU radiator in modern house. CU same. MS old women by gas fire. CU flames of gas going out. CU flames under saucepan goes out. MS coalman delivering. CU same. GV snowbound train. GV fires under trucks. CU same. MS man picking coal. CU pan coal up conveyor belt. CU same. CU coal tipped onto large stock of coal. MS same. MLS two men at bus stop. CU man wraps up paper revealing body heating unit. CU same flicks switch. CU light on same on and off. CU temperature gauge rising. CU man enjoying warmth, same operating switches. CU dials rising. CU smoke emerges from heating unit. CU apparatus goes berserk. CU same smoking. CU alarm bell. MS man with body heating unit runs away. MCU another gets phone out of pocket and calls fire brigade. CU same. ES pan fire engine out of station. Tracking engine along road. MS man with arms outstretched wearing shirt. CU waistcoat added. CU pullover. CU jacket. CU scarf, overcoat, raincoat, duffle coat, leather coat. CU skull cap. CU hood. CU scarf. CU face of man all muffled up. CU hand. CU glove onto hand. CU another. MS man. MS same out of door. CU same walks away from camera.
- Keywords
- Politics and government; Vehicles; Health and medicine; Weather; Transport; Fashion and costume
- Locations
- United Kingdom
- Footage sources
- Library
- Card file number
- 87386
- Credits:
- Commentator
- Geoffrey Sumner
- Length of story (in feet)
- 335
Film clip
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- AP Archive
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How to cite this record
'The Cold War', British Movietone News Issue No. 1798A, 21 Nov 1963. (Accessed 03 Mar 2025)