It Happened in 1963


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
30 Dec 1963
Date Other
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MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: It Happened in 1963. SHOTLIST: Main title. LS rocket being fired. LAS same in flight. CU astronaut Gordon Cooper inside rocket. LS the earth as seen from rocket. CU Cooper in rocket. CU the earth spinning. CU Cooper after flight. CU Valentina Tereshkova during flight. MCU Nikita Khrushchev speaking on phone. CU Valentina during flight. MCU Khrushchev on phone. MCU Valentina after flight. GV conference table during Test Ban talks. CU Khrushchev at table. MCU Lord Hailsham at table. MCU Mr Averill Harriman (USA) at table. GV conference table. ES Dreadnought at sea. MS same. GV interior Dreadnought’s armament room. BS control room. CU man at controls. CU warning notice. CU captain looking through periscope. LS ship as seen through periscope. MLS Dreadnought at sea. MLS US Thresher in lock. MS same at sea. ES bow of same. CU sea. MS flag at half mast. GV lowering escape capsule down mine shaft in Germany. MCU capsule raised. MCU waiting miners. MCU rescued miners helped away. MCU capsule raised. CU waiting miners. MS rescued miner helped away. GV pan Japanese coal mine. MS bodies in trucks. MCU body on stretcher. CU weeping woman. GV relative by coffin. GV pan Piave Valley after disaster. GV surrounding mountains. GV rescue operations. CU same. GV valley. GV devastation at Skopje. CU sign Skopje. LAS destroyed building. GV rescue operations. CU same. GV Katanga troops. MS pan same. CU troops and pan to roadway. GV pan car down road. MCU troops. BS car parked by roadside. CU wounded driver shouting. MS same gets out of car. MS same wandering around. GV pan Kennedy procession. CU zoom in still of Kennedy’s shooting. GV interior Capitol and coffin carried in. CU Mrs Kennedy and children. MS President Lyndon B Johnson carrying wreath. GV same places wreath at coffin. MS pan Mrs Kennedy and brothers-in-law walking in funeral procession. MS pan President de Gaulle and other world leaders following. MS Prince Philip and others. MS pan coffin carried on gun carriage. MS Pope John signing paper. CU same. MCU same. MCU Pope John reading. GV pan Pope Paul carried on throne. MS pan same. MCU members of church. CU Pope Paul during enthronement. CU Mr Harold Macmillan speaking. CU cover of Denning Report. CU Lord Denning. CU headlines from various newspapers. CU picture of Macmillan. CU newspaper headlines. CU picture of Macmillan. MCU pan Mr Profumo examining bed. MCU same sits on bed. CU Christine Keeler. CU Denning Report. CU Number 10 Downing Street. CU Lord Home outside No 10. MS same. GV play in last test match. GV crowds. GV pitch. MS bowler. MS Conrad Hunte bats. GV crowds swarm onto field. CU crowds. MCU Ted Dexter and Frank Worrell shake hands. LAS John Pennel’s record high jump. GV pan cars competing in Grand Prix. LS cars along straight. MLS Graham Hill in car. MLS pan Jim Clark in car. MS pan cars past chequered flag. CU amateur photographer. CU Jim Clark. LS pan Rover gas turbine car. GV same. MS pan same. LS same. CU Tommy Simpson on cycle. CU same. CU same. CU Delsol on mono-cycle. Tracking shot same. CU cycle wheel. ES Delsol on cycle. GV mass of Grand National runners over fence. MS Out and About in lead. GV runners into finishing straight. CU spectators. ES pan Ayala past finishing post. CU spectator. ES rider and horse lead into paddock. MCU pan same. GV Denis Law scores first goal in Cup Final. CU crowd. GV pan Herd scores second. CU spectator. GV play and Herd scores third goal. CU crowd. LAS captain holds trophy. CU crowd. GV crowd outside registry office. CU pan Colin Jordan and Francoise Dior leave same. CU crowd. GV relatives leaving. GV police cordon off crowds. CU same and crowds around car as it leaves. ES Princess Alexandra up aisle. CU Queen and Prince Philip watching. GV Archbishop of Canterbury conducts ceremony (sound on film). CU Queen and Prince Philip during ceremony. GV Princess Alexandra and Mr Angus Ogilvy stop while Princess Anne frees train. MS same. GV aerial of snow-covered countryside. GV same. GV snow-covered forest (2 shots).
Review of the Year
United States of America; Germany; Italy; Japan; Yugoslavia; Hanover; Congo; Katanga; Skopje; Piave Valley, Belluno; Lengede; Longarone; Mathilde Mine
Footage sources
Movietone Library
Card file number
Geoffrey Sumner
Length of story (in feet)
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How to cite this record

'It Happened in 1963', British Movietone News Issue No. 1804, 30 Dec 1963. (Accessed 31 Jan 2025)