Strike Command


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
2 May 1968
Stories in this Issue:

* Story has local or special distribution


Story No. within this Issue
1 / 3
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Strike Command. DESCRIPTION: Ceremonies at Bentley Priory near London, and Scampton, near Lincoln, mark the end of Fighter and Bomber Commands. Many famous personalities of World War Two are present at the wake. Old aircraft, too, as well as our current potential in the air - the V. Bombers and Supersonic fighters of the new Amalgamation - RAF Strike Command. SHOTLIST: GV Bentley Priory, Stanmore, plane in foreground. GV parade of RAF. MS RAF Regimental flag. MCU Air Marshal Sir Frederick Rosier inspects parade. CU ditto. Pan up as Squadron Command flag lowered. MCU parade. LS (pan) flag lowered as Spitfires fly overhead. GV aircraft fly past. GV Ex Fighter Command pilots stand in front of aircraft, L to R Air Vice Marshal Johnny Johnson, Group Captain Peter Townsend, Wing Commander Stanford Tuck DSO DFC, Sir Frederick Rosier, Air Commodore Al Deare, Group Captain Douglas Bader DSO DFC, Air Commodore Peter Brothers. CU GC Douglas Bader and Peter Brothers. CU Stanford Tuck. Library film - Stanford Tuck gets into Hurricane and takes off (Burma). CU Bader. Section of Library film - Bader into Spitfire and takes off (England). Pan Hurricane & Spitfires fly overhead at Scampton. GV Lancaster Bombers. CU Lancaster cockpit. MCU & CU Dr Barnes Wallis. CU bombing raid score on side of Lancaster. CU Dr Wallis with Wing Commander Roderick Learoyd VC. MS ditto with Lancaster in b/g. Lancaster bombers fly-past. MS men of Bomber Command march past ACM Sir Wallace Kyle Commander in Chief Bomber Command, on his left Bomber Harris, and on his right Lord Portal. MS march past. CU Bomber Harris. CU Lord Portal. LS Vulcan Bombers fly overhead as New Strike Command flag is unfurled. CU flag. Pan Vulcan Bombers fly past. Pan Valiant Bombers fly past.
Displays; Aviation; Ceremonies; Military; Inventions and discoveries
England; Stanmore; Scampton; Bentley Priory
Card file number
John Mould
Leslie Mitchell
Norman Fisher
Length of story (in feet)
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'Strike Command', British Movietone News Issue No. 2030A, 2 May 1968. (Accessed 01 Feb 2025)