Results: Stories
7 results found for '"Carrie Thomas"' in Credits.
- Date released
- 1976
- Series name
- London Line
- Issue no
- 527
- NoS ID
- 326817
- Story no
- 1 / 1
COI synopsis: Professional pilots are specialists, whether they are to fly jet airliners or, as in this case, helicopters. First they must all pass their basic training as pilots, but then comes the need to...
Jewellery Of Africa
- Date released
- 1976
- Series name
- London Line
- Issue no
- 531
- NoS ID
- 326821
- Story no
- 1 / 1
COI synopsis: African designs have inspired several generations of European designers and artists, and none more so than the design of jewellery whether of the most inexpensive beads or the most precious...
- Date released
- 1976
- Series name
- London Line
- Issue no
- 533
- NoS ID
- 326823
- Story no
- 1 / 1
COI synopsis: For thousands of years one of the most valuable insects has been the honeybee, farmed throughout the world for its yields of honey and beeswax. Today, it has an increasingly important role to...
- Date released
- 1976
- Series name
- London Line
- Issue no
- 532A
- NoS ID
- 326912
- Story no
- 1 / 1
COI synopsis: One of the most prominent designers in the world of fashion is Thea Porter. Her influence is considerable and still growing; but Thea Porter, brought up in the Middle East, is inspired by Arab...
- Date released
- 1976
- Series name
- London Line
- Issue no
- 527A
- NoS ID
- 350615
- Story no
- 1 / 1
COI synopsis: Professional pilots are specialists, whether they are to fly jet airliners or, as in this case, helicopters. First they must all pass their basic training as pilots, but then comes the need to...
London Museum
- Date released
- 1977
- Series name
- This Week In Britain
- Issue no
- 950
- NoS ID
- 329191
- Story no
- 1 / 1
COI synopsis: Visitors to London may know what they want to see - the Tower of London, say - and even where it is but, like the natives, they may not know what it really is and how it got there. A visit to...
London Zoo
- Date released
- 1977
- Series name
- This Week In Britain
- Issue no
- 976
- NoS ID
- 329217
- Story no
- 1 / 1
COI synopsis: London Zoo in Regent’s Park is a favourite summer’s day out for Londoners and tourists. Over six and a half thousand animals live happily here in just thirty-four acres and Maggie Palmer...