Results: Stories
24 results found for '"Diana MacLean"' in Credits.
- Date released
- 1977
- Series name
- London Line
- Issue no
- 555
- NoS ID
- 326845
- Story no
- 1 / 1
COI synopsis: Chips of carbon - that’s all but for centuries they have been a symbol of beauty. London Line visits Hatton Garden, London to see how an ordinary looking pebble becomes a shining...
London Transport International
- Date released
- 1977
- Series name
- This Week In Britain
- Issue no
- 947
- NoS ID
- 329188
- Story no
- 1 / 1
COI synopsis: Diana MacLean investigates London Transport and finds herself under instruction as "bus driver and underground signals operator" - and neither are as easy as they look. She does, however,...
Boat Show
- Date released
- 1977
- Series name
- This Week In Britain
- Issue no
- 949
- NoS ID
- 329190
- Story no
- 1 / 1
COI synopsis: Diana MacLean visits the 1977 Boat Show in London; a show with the unusual theme this year of the Brighton Marina, soon to be opened. As well as looking at the latest styles of sailing and...
London Museum
- Date released
- 1977
- Series name
- This Week In Britain
- Issue no
- 950
- NoS ID
- 329191
- Story no
- 1 / 1
COI synopsis: Visitors to London may know what they want to see - the Tower of London, say - and even where it is but, like the natives, they may not know what it really is and how it got there. A visit to...
- Date released
- 1977
- Series name
- This Week In Britain
- Issue no
- 952
- NoS ID
- 329193
- Story no
- 1 / 1
COI synopsis: All pedigree horses - bloodstock - derive from three Arab stallions brought over to Britain in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The cross between the Arab, which had all the virtues...
British Library
- Date released
- 1977
- Series name
- This Week In Britain
- Issue no
- 953
- NoS ID
- 329194
- Story no
- 1 / 1
COI synopsis: The British Library is probably the most comprehensive library service in the world. It incorporates a massive reference division housed mostly in the British Museum, where Diana MacLean visits...
Open University
- Date released
- 1977
- Series name
- This Week In Britain
- Issue no
- 955
- NoS ID
- 329196
- Story no
- 1 / 1
COI synopsis: The Open University provides a chance for anyone in Britain to obtain a university degree, regardless of age or previous qualifications. It also provides expertise for countries elsewhere in...
British Racing Cars
- Date released
- 1977
- Series name
- This Week In Britain
- Issue no
- 958
- NoS ID
- 329199
- Story no
- 1 / 1
COI synopsis: The motor racing season is just starting in Britain; so Diana MacLean decided to find out more about this sport which will be hitting the headlines for the next few months. She visited a...
The Centre
- Date released
- 1977
- Series name
- This Week In Britain
- Issue no
- 959
- NoS ID
- 329200
- Story no
- 1 / 1
COI synopsis: London is a magnet for thousands of visitors from all over the world. Though stimulating, like other big cities, London can also be a little bewildering, especially for young people a long way...
Gathering Of The Clans
- Date released
- 1977
- Series name
- This Week In Britain
- Issue no
- 960
- NoS ID
- 329201
- Story no
- 1 / 1
COI synopsis: From all over the world clansmen have travelled to Scotland for the first ever International Gathering of the Clans. After the opening ceremony in Edinburgh, the clan chiefs opened up their...