
781 results found for all records.

  • Macbeth Cd-Rom (2001 Multimedia)

    Michael Bogdanov

    Differentiated commentaries and prompts encourage pupils of all abilities to appreciate the richness of Macbeth through language, theme, character and an exploration of the key scenes. This production is...

  • Macbeth (2001 Television, Video)

    John Wyver

    Gregory Doran’s film of his modern dress RSC production which opened at the Swan Theatre in 1999. This video version was specially shot for television broadcast at the London Roundhouse, using the original...

  • Rave Macbeth (2001 Film)

    aka: Nacht der Entscheidung

    Klaus Knoesel
    Stefan Jonas

    Feature film. A reworking of Macbeth set in a nightclub to techno tracks. Marcus (Macbeth) and his friend Troy fling themselves into a rave. They have been named seconds to Dean, a drug czar who is ‘king...

  • Macbeth (2001 Video)

    Tim Carroll

    A video recording of the Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre modern dress production of Macbeth. Jasper Britton and Eve Best are the Macbeths.

  • Shakespeare Meets Verdi (2001 Audio)

    British Library Events

    A show, written, staged and presented by Tim Heath, to celebrate the centenary of Verdi’s death, discussing the meeting of the ghosts of Verdi and Shakespeare. Includes excerpts from Macbeth, Otello and...

  • Macbeth the Comedy (2001 Film)

    Allison L. LiCalsi
    Patrick Murray

    Independent feature film offering a gay and lesbian Shakespeare film parody geared to a mainstream audience. Having just led the Scottish forces to victory, all Macbeth wants to do is go home, take a bubble...

  • Mad Dawg (2001 Film)

    Greg Salman
    Greg Salman

    Feature film. A gangsta version of Macbeth which was not given a commercial release. The reasons may be obvious - ‘searching for a plot to justify its creation, Salman pilfers from the play to structure...

  • Yellamma (2001 Film)

    aka: Prophecy, The

    Mohan Koda

    Feature film. Indian re-working of Macbeth set in 1850s India in the time of the Sepoy Mutiny.

  • Macbeth (2001 Video)

    Joe Banno

    A video recording of Joe Banno’s 2001 production of Macbeth for the Folger Theatre, videotaped for WAPAVA by James. J. Taylor. Michael Tolaydo and Lucy Newman Williams are the Macbeths. The play is set in...

  • Your Madness Mr Shakespeare: From 4 Tragedies 100% Concentrated (2001 Video)

    aka: Crazy Shakespeare

    WEI Ying-chuan

    Video recording of WEI Ying-chuan’s stage production which interprets ‘four classic mad scenes’ from the tragedies - King Lear on the heath, Ophelia’s drowning, Lady Macbeth’s sleepwalking scene...