
2,674 results found for all records.

  • Daggers for King Duncan (2017 Radio, Video)

    aka: BBC Schools Radio, Macbeth Episode 3


    Having read about King Duncan’s pledge to make his son, Malcolm his heir, Lady Macbeth encourages her husband to grasp his destiny. A reluctant usurper, Macbeth manages to kill Duncan. After the deed is...

  • All Hail Macbeth! King of Scotland! (2017 Radio, Video)

    aka: BBC Schools Radio, Macbeth Episode 4


    When Ducan’s body is discovered, Malcolm and Donalbain seek revenge for their father’s death. Macbeth beats them too it by revealing he has killed the servants who assassinated Duncan. The pinces sense...

  • A Trap for Banquo (2017 Radio, Video)

    aka: BBC Schools Radio, Macbeth Episode 5


    The noble Lord Macduff is conspicuous by his absence from a banquet to celebrate Macbeth’s coronation. Plagued by guilt, Lady Macbeth becomes concerned that her husband has developed a tasted for ruthless...

  • Something Wicked This Way Comes (2017 Radio, Video)

    aka: BBC Schools Radio, Macbeth Episode 6


    Macbeth finds the Weird Sisters and much needed assurance when they reveal that he cannot be killed by ‘any man born of woman’. They also tell him that he should beware of Macduff and that he will be...

  • Preparing for Battle (2017 Radio, Video)

    aka: BBC Schools Radio, Macbeth Episode 7


    Lady Macbeth is so disturbed by events that she starts to walk in her sleep but Macbeth is dismissive of his wife’s anguish. Following the assurances of the Weird Sisters, Macbeth feels invincible....

  • Birnam Wood Comes to Dunsinane (2017 Radio, Video)

    aka: BBC Schools Radio, Macbeth Episode 8


    Macbeth is confronted by Macduff in battle and finds himself facing the only man in the field who can kill him. Macduff was delivered by Caesarean Section. Macbeth is beheaded and his bead is taken to...

  • Sourced by the Bard (2017 Radio)

    Sound of Cinema

    Radio broadcast. Matthew Sweet presents a selection of music for films that take inspiration from the works of Shakespeare. Includes music from the scores of Start Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country,Ran,...

  • Hamlet (2017 Radio)

    In Our Time
    Simon Tillotson

    Radio series in which Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the events and inspirations that have influenced modern times. In this episode Melvyn Bragg discusses Hamlet with Jonathan Bate, Carol Rutter and Sonia...

  • House of Ghosts: A Case for Inspector Morse (2017 Radio)

    Marilyn Imrie

    Radio drama by Alma Cullen, based on her stage play derived from the characters created by Colin Dexter. In 1987 Chief Inspector Morse and Sergeant Lewis investigate the death of the actress playing Ophelia...

  • At the Boar’s Head (2016 Radio)

    Afternoon on 3

    Thursday Opera Matinee. Radio production of Gustav Holst’s one-act comic opera. The words of the libretto are taken from Shakespeare’s King Henry IV. Philip Langridge is Prince Hal. The Men’s Voices of...