
86 results found for all records.

  • Shakespeare on Screen (2023 Video)

    YouTube video by Jeff Palermo in which he discusses the film and TV adaptations of Shakespeare’s plays that he thinks worked most successfully. He references a number of celebrated adaptations including...

  • Live at the Porpentine: A Comedy of Errors (2022 Film)

    David Melville

    Film adaptation of Shakespeare’s The Comedy of Errors, made in the style of a 1960s musical comedy.

  • Comedy of Errors, The (2022 Video)

    RSC Live from Stratford Upon Avon
    Philip Breen

    Recording of the RSC’s 2021 open-air stage production of the Shakespeare comedy by Philip Breen starring Jonathan Broadbent, Greg Haiste and Hedydd Dylan.

  • Twinship and Selfhood in Shakespeare (2022 Video)

    Recording of an online audiovisual presentation by Kent Lehnhof (Chapman University) on twins in Shakespeare’s The Comedy of Errors. The lecture is followed by a conversation moderated Julia Reinhard...

  • Comedy of Errors, The (2021 Video)

    Creative Conversations

    Video made to celebrate the post-lockdown reopening of the RSC’s theatres at Stratford-upon-Avon. Director Philip Breen, associate designer Ruth Hall, set and costume designer Max Jones, composer Paddy...

  • Introduction to the Comedy of Errors (2020 Video)

    The Shakespeare 2020 Project

    Video made as part of The Shakespeare 2020 Project in which Professor Thomas H. Luxon introduces the main themes and characters of the play, looks at the sources that Shakespeare drew on and the value of the...

  • Comedy of Errors, The (2020 Multimedia, Video)

    Show Must Go Online, The
    Robert Myles
    Sarah Peachey

    The eighth in a weekly live stream project by Rob Myles to present all of Shakespeare’s plays in the order in which it is thought they were originally written. Using the Zoom video conferencing platform,...

  • Comedy of Errors, The (2018 Audio)


    Audio podcast. Drew Lichtenberg (Audience Enrichment Manager) and Hannah Hessel Ratner (Literary Manager) from the Shakespeare Theatre Company are joined by actor Ted van Griethuysen in a conversation about...

  • The Comedy of Errors - The Complete Play Using Lego (2017 Video)

    John Lilburne

    One of Shakespeare’s earliest and shortest plays, "The Comedy of Errors" centres on a family catastrophe. A Merchant, Egeon has identical twin sons who are both names Antipholus. To him, it makes perfect...

  • Comedy of Errors, The (2012 Video)

    Amir Nizar Zuabi

    Video recording of the Royal Shakespeare Company’s 2012 production of The Comedy of Errors directed by Amir Nizar Zuabi.