Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: Proof Positive


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
24 Sep 1942
Date submitted
18 Sep 1942
Stories in this Issue:

* Story has local or special distribution


Story No. within this Issue
3 / 3
Section Title
Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Proof Positive. DESCRIPTION: Precision bombing by the RAF is crippling the Nazi industrial effort not only in their own land but also in the occupied countries. Photographic evidence is the best proof of the accurate aim of our bomber crews and more than encouraging in view of the extended operations now being undertaken. SHOTLIST: Pan up of story, with RAF colours in background. Various shots of Manchester, Halifax & (I think) Lancasters in flight formation. Manchester taking off. CU Gun turret. CU nose of machine showing propeller turning. Bombs falling. 3 angles. Shots of destruction & fires. Fires raging - night photography. Interior shot. Experts studying maps & photos set out on table. Pilot climbing into Blenheim Bomber. Still camera & movie camera handed to him. Blenheim takes off. 2 angle shots. Shot of sea from plane. Plane flying at roof top height, shots of countryside. Aerial LS of countryside, showing River Seine & Goodrich Tyre Factory. Aerial shots of targets 1 & 2 shown by means of diagramatics. Target before bombing (Target 1). Mix in target after bombing. 2 scenes. Target 2 before bombing. Mix in target after bombing. Plane in flight over Channel. Plane on airport, pilot handing over film. Development of film. 6 scenes. Ruins caused through bombs. 4 scenes. CU bomb crater. Ruins, damage. 2 scenes. Fade out.
Buildings and structures; Mass media; Environment; Weapons; Aviation; Fires; Industry and manufacture; War damage; Military; Newsreels
Footage sources
Royal Air Force Film Unit [RAFFU]
Card file number
Leslie Mitchell
Length of story (in feet)
Story extras:

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How to cite this record

'Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: Proof Positive', British Movietone News Issue No. 694A, 24 Sep 1942. (Accessed 03 Mar 2025)