Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: Eighth Army Speeds On


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
28 Jan 1943
Date submitted
25 Jan 1943
Stories in this Issue:

* Story has local or special distribution


Story No. within this Issue
5 / 6
Section Title
Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Eighth Army Advance Continues. DESCRIPTION: General Montgomery recently presented medals somewhere in the Libyan desert. Meanwhile the task of bringing forwards supplies continues, as does clearing the debris left by the Axis. SHOTLIST: Cut Story - MS Montgomery inspecting Lt Colonel tank crew, talking to some. Montgomery presenting various officers & men with medals, shakes hands with them, they also salute, Montgomery does however return the salute. GS of parade in circle formation. (The above is 25 miles west of Marble Arch). Men of Argyll & Sutherland Division unloading petrol drums on beaches. Various shots of same, majority of men are naked. Troops pushing drums up beach into camera. Sappers searching for mines, mine detected, dug up. CU of same, GS of hundreds of enemy mines located in a day. Army truck along road, turn off where there is a sign ‘Safe Lane’. Night shot of artillery going forward (silhouettes). Night shots of artillery firing, also dawn shots of same. CU of breech loaded & artillery firing - very good. Army trucks making way over rough country, GS of mosque; soldiers hauling wire connected to can down well (dried up river) at Wadi Chebir. Aerial shot of country. CU Can as it reaches top of well. Infantry & Grant tanks advancing, amid explosions, & dust caused by their advance.
Buildings and structures; Ships and boats; Vehicles; Environment; Weapons; Aviation; Industry and manufacture; Explosions; Ceremonies; War damage; Prisoners of war; Military; Awards and honours
Ras-El-Aali, Agheila
Footage sources
Army Film Unit
Card file number
Leslie Mitchell
Length of story (in feet)
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How to cite this record

'Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: Eighth Army Speeds On', British Movietone News Issue No. 712A, 28 Jan 1943. (Accessed 03 Mar 2025)