Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: Middle East "Occasions"


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
28 Jan 1943
Date submitted
25 Jan 1943
Stories in this Issue:

* Story has local or special distribution


Story No. within this Issue
4 / 6
Section Title
Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Middle East Occasions A.313. DESCRIPTION: The Regent of Iraq recently visited Egypt where he was shown the famous desert battlegrounds. Elsewhere in the Middle East General Alexander inspected an Australian Division. SHOTLIST: Cut story - Australian parade, flag at mast head, unfurled, pan to troops, general shot of same, with Alexander taking salute in car which is driven along ranks. Elevated shots of Alexander by flag mast taking salute as troops march past, various angle shots. MS Alexander saluting. Flag lowered to half mast with sound of ‘Last Post’. Cuts - Flag being hoisted (Australian). Elevated shot of Alexander on stand. Aerial shots (various angles LS & MS) of parade, & march past. Aerial shot of band, with troops background, SV & CU Alexander. LS parade. Alexander onto stand & speaks to troops through mike. The whole of the parade standing at salute (camera pans) & presenting arms. LS Troops marching into camera. Special shots of parade, these are very good. Middle East Occasions Regent of Iraq Visits - CARD 43325 This is in the vicinity of El Alamein. Cut story - CU Regent of Iraq, also MS of same with other officers looking at wrecked Italian M13 tank also at captured heavy artillery. Regent kicks a bucket over. Cuts - Regent leaving Mena House Hotel with Nahas Pasha on steps. Visiting Minefields; Captain Salmon gives description of battles (silent). GS of Regent & officers lunching in desert. Looking over salvage dump of tanks. Car drives forward, background jeep. Regent with camera shooting film. Regent climbs into plane, flies over Tobruk, various shots of Hurricanes in flight, Regent out of plane. Looking at wrecked enemy planes. Aerial shot of desert. Various railway damage at Mersa Matruh done by RAF. Regent into jeep behind wheel & drives jeep away. With naval officers into camera, on Admiralty tug, approaching warship (Alexandria); SV of tug at speed, gulls flying around.
Royalty; Politics and government; Buildings and structures; Mass media; Music and dance; Vehicles; Environment; Aviation; Railways; Aircraft; Ceremonies; Birds; War damage; Navy; Animals; Military
Footage sources
Army Film Unit
British Paramount
Card file number
Leslie Mitchell
Length of story (in feet)
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'Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: Middle East "Occasions"', British Movietone News Issue No. 712A, 28 Jan 1943. (Accessed 03 Mar 2025)