Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Lionel Gamlin: Battle for Walcheren


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
9 Nov 1944
Date submitted
1 Nov 1944
Date submitted
3 Nov 1944
Stories in this Issue:


Story No. within this Issue
4 / 5
Section Title
Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Lionel Gamlin
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Battle for Walcheren. DESCRIPTION: Commandos and other British troops who crossed the Sheldt towards Flushing landed in the face of heavy opposition. This was part of the vital attack to free the approaches to Antwerp, as was the battle for Walcheren. The fight for the half-flooded island of Walcheren was a bloody affair. SHOTLIST: Cut story - KS Assault craft en route. Various shots of LCIs leaving coast South of Scheldt. Dawn. Aerial shots of flooded island of South Beveland. Marines aboard craft en route. Dawn shots of craft approaching Walcheren, shell bursts in water around craft. AFU - Troops rush up beaches and along beaches, POW come back - several shots. Fighting in streets, various British troops. Various shots of 240mm & 155mm guns firing at Walcheren Island. Guns fired from fields, alongside railway tracks. Loading heavy artillery - some firing. More LCIs en route. LS occasional shell bursts on island, shell bursts in sea. Typhoon dive bombs island, explosions, plane then climbs. Various angle shots of Rocket ships firing. Various activity on beaches, LCI on way, also CU masthead, with various flags flying. Landing craft en route, nearing flooded island, going inland as far as possible. Amphibious craft leaving LCTs.
Buildings and structures; Ships and boats; Vehicles; Health and medicine; Environment; Weapons; Aviation; Railways; War damage; Prisoners of war; Censorship; Occupied territories; Navy; Accidents and disasters; Engineering; Military
Footage sources
Army Film Unit
Canadian Film Unit
British Paramount
Card file number
Lionel James Gamlin
Length of story (in feet)
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'Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Lionel Gamlin: Battle for Walcheren', British Movietone News Issue No. 805A, 9 Nov 1944. (Accessed 04 Mar 2025)