Movietone’s News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: The Royal Command Film Performance


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
7 Nov 1946
Date submitted
4 Nov 1946
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4 / 4
Section Title
Movietone’s News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Royal Command Film Performance. DESCRIPTION: Film stars turned out in force for the first Royal Command Film Performance. Over £30,000 was raised for the Cinema Trade Benevolent Fund and the Royal Family met many of the cinemas stars after the showing of A Matter of Life and Death. SHOTLIST: CUT STORY: KS Tilt down of outside of cinema to entrance. Tilt down continued displaying name of film A Matter of Life and Death. Huge crowds got out of control, foot police trying to control same, pushing them back, police link arms to push crowds back, crowds climb on every vantage point. Mounted police also charging the crowds to force them back. Into camera, Princess Margaret, followed by Princess Elizabeth, the Queen and King make their way through crowd to foyer of cinema, all preceding are night shots. On entrance to foyer, King and Royal Family greeted by Mr and Mrs Bromhead. Royal Family being presented to Mr J Arthur Rank and wife. Colonel Reginald Bromhead, Mr and Mrs Sam Eckman. Elevated shots of Juliet Lockwood (Margaret Lockwood’s daughter), Vanessa Redgrave and Juliet Mills presented bouquets to the Royal ladies. Royal party walk up stairs, out and into camera. GV of stage curtain. GV film certificate. GV title of film Matter of Life and Death. SV shot of film stars on stage after show coming forward in pairs and acknowledging audiences applause. MS Kim Hunter. CU Vivien Leigh and panning Laurence Olivier. SCU Bessie Love. SCU Stewart Granger, MS Maria Montez. CU Sid Field. King and Queen presented to Joan Bennett, Walter Wanger, Diana Wynyard, Anthony Kimmins, Pat O’Brien, Sally Gray, Rosamund Johns, John Mills, Ralph Richardson, Bud Flanagan, Will Hay, Jean Kent. MS Mr Attlee and daughter Felicity. William Eythe and Dorothy Malone. CU Rosamund Johns. CU Margaret Lockwood. SCU Major Reginald Baker, Group Mr Otto Bolle, Sir Gordon Craig and their wives. SCU Ray Milland and wife. Fred Rior and wife. Patricia Roc. CU Reg Gardener and Joan Bennett. Michael Redgrave with his daughter Vanessa and John Mills. Michael Powell (co-director of the film). Joan Bennett and Patricia Roc followed by other film stars walk down stairs to foyer.
Fundraising; Performing arts
London; Empire; Leicester Square
Footage sources
Card file number
Leslie Mitchell
Length of story (in feet)
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'Movietone’s News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: The Royal Command Film Performance', British Movietone News Issue No. 909A, 7 Nov 1946. (Accessed 04 Mar 2025)