Scientific Research


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
1 Jul 1957
Date submitted
27 Jun 1957
Stories in this Issue:


Story No. within this Issue
3 / 7
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Radio Telescope. DESCRIPTION: Towering over the Cheshire countryside, the world’s largest radio telescope nears completion. Radio waves will tell of cosmic events a thousand million light years away. At the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Bedford, Mr Aubrey Jones (Minister of Supply) arrived to perform the opening ceremony, he also inaugurated a new supersonic wind-tunnel. SHOTLIST: 71094 - RADIO TELESCOPE - MLS of radio telescope. MCU radio telescope. MLS of men working on the exterior of the telescope. CU men welding on the telescope. Interior - man at controls. MLS of the telescope. Slip pan (71092 - WIND TUNNEL) - Exterior wind tunnel at Royal Aircraft Establishment at Bedford. TPS over site. Helicopter landing. Aubrey Jones (Minister of Supply) alights from helicopter. Standing with other people. Shots of Aubrey Jones pushing button. Exterior of the wind tunnel. Man walking into the tunnel. Man looking at the air cooling tubes. MCU air cooling tube. Shot of model plane. Interior of control room. Man at controls. Various shots of instruments. INAUGURATION OF RA EST. - CARD 71103 . GV plant. LS exterior of tube-like wind tunnel. Another same men in f/g give scale. Closer same. Other angle on tunnel. Low angle on same. LS interior tunnel, man walks down to show size. MS same man walks up to section that houses model. MS man stands by air-cooling tubes. CU man’s fingers as he feels ends of tubes. MS man polishes model before test. MS trucking into CU of model before test. GV control room with men at panels. MS man operating controls. Other angle same. CU dials being turned. CU hand turns two levers and presses button. MS two men at panel, one presses button. CU of panel lights flash on and off. LS low angle giant turbine in power house. MS turbine turning. Closer same. Close up same. CU different angle same. MS man at control panel. TV screens show model in tunnel. CU man with port in panel showing wind stresses on model. CU port showing model with stress waves appearing. GV plant. LS exterior of tube like wind tunnel. Another same men in foreground, give scale. Closer same. Another angle on tunnel. Low angle on same. LS interior tunnel man walks down to show size. MS man walks up to section which houses model. Man stands by air cooling tubes. CU man’s fingers as he feels tubes. MS man polishes model before test.
Politics and government; Science and technology; Ceremonies; Space; Engineering
Cheshire; Bedford; Jodrell Bank
Footage sources
Central Office of Information
Card file number
Geoffrey Sumner
James Humphries
Norman Fisher
Length of story (in feet)
Story extras:

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How to cite this record

'Scientific Research', British Movietone News Issue No. 1465, 1 Jul 1957. (Accessed 03 Mar 2025)