The Royal Visit to India


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
26 Jan 1961
Date submitted
23 Jan 1961
Stories in this Issue:

* Story has local or special distribution


Story No. within this Issue
3 / 3
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: The Royal Visit to India Colour. DESCRIPTION: The gleaming Britannia brought the Queen on her first visit to India. The highest in the land were there to welcome her, including Mr Nehru. The first official greeting was offered by President Rajendra Prasad, then by the Vice-President and the Prime Minister. After the inspection of the Guard of Honour, formed by units of the three Services, the Queen walked past a stand, where may important people offered an Indian welcome to the royal visitors. Her Majesty’s first official act was to pay tribute to Gandhi’s memory. Here, with Prince Philip, she laid a magnificent wreath, made of hundreds of roses. During her drive through the streets of Delhi, Her Majesty must have been impressed and thrilled by the multitude that lined the route. Estimates put the number at nearly two million. A great and splendid start to a tremendous programme. SHOTLIST: Key scene (fade). LS Britannia landing in India. GV VIPs awaiting Royal Couple. MS Mr Nehru among them. GV forces (Navy). CU same. GV The Queen and Duke are welcomed by President Rajendra Prasad, Vice President and the Prime Minister. CU servicemen in the Guard of Honour. MS the Queen inspecting the same. MLS important people offering the Queen an Indian welcome. CU woman of India. MS Queen and Duke driving through crowd. Travelling shot crowds along route. TS another (x3). LS interior the Queen about to pay tribute to Gandhi’s memory. MCU the Queen with velvet sandals (custom). MS the Queen. CU feet walking (Queen’s). GV wreath being laid on tomb on behalf of the Queen and Duke. MS same MCU document on wreath. TS crowds on top of building. TS another. GV mounted guard along route. GV Queen and Duke driving, same - crowd in b/g. MLS another. MS Indian sentries. GV sentry. GV Queen talking with hosts. MLS another. MCU the Queen.
Politics and government; Buildings and structures; Customs and traditions; Aviation; Ceremonies; Navy; Military
Card file number
Jeffrey K. Shearley
Ken Taylor
Norman Fisher
Length of story (in feet)
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'The Royal Visit to India', British Movietone News Issue No. 1651A, 26 Jan 1961. (Accessed 04 Mar 2025)