Colour: The Duke of Windsor - The Nation’s Tribute


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
8 Jun 1972
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5 / 5
Section Title
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: The Duke of Windsor: the Nation’s Tribute - in Colour. DESCRIPTION: The Duke of Windsor’s body is flown to RAF Benson in Oxfordshire. A Guard of Honour mounted by the Queen’s Flight takes his body to the station’s Chapel. Next day, the lying-in-state at St George’s Chapel, Windsor. The Duke returns with pomp and acceptance in death, which he never had in life since giving up the throne 35 years ago. SHOTLIST: GV RAF Benson pan to sign. SV pan RAF VC10 taxies in with Duke’s body aboard. LV guard of honour & Duke & Duchess of Kent on tarmac. SLV coffin being carried from plane. Duke of Kent salutes. SLV coffin being carried across tarmac. SV Duke & Duchess of Kent walking with various officers, bringing coffin, pan to coffin as they walk towards chapel. SV as they enter chapel. CU RAF man with head slightly bowed, standing on guard at corner of coffin. GV coffin & guard of honour in chapel. SV Duchess of Windsor arrives at Benson & walks down plane steps. CU the Queen’s Flight on side of plane. CSU pan Duchess greeted by VIPs. Angle shot white tower at Windsor Castle. GV Windsor Castle, crowds lined up outside waiting to file past coffin. GV queue of people. GV ditto near castle gate. SV crowds walking across courtyard towards St George’s Chapel. GV St George’s Chapel & crowds queuing to enter. SV pan crowds on Chapel steps. Angle shot front of Chapel. GV interior coffin guarded by four Grenadier Guards. CU guardsmen. CU ditto. CU coffin with flowers on top. SV life-guards, hands crossed on hilt of sabre. SV coffin people filing past in background. CU cross. GV coffin guarded by Grenadier Guards.
Royalty; Buildings and structures; Aviation; Ceremonies; Military; Funerals
RAF Benson, Windsor
Card file number
Godfrey Kenneth Hanshaw
Leonard Martin
Reginald William Smith
Ronald E. Collins
Length of story (in feet)
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