Thames Flood Alert
- Series Name
- British Movietone News
- Story No. within this Issue
- 1 / 5
- Summary
- MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Thames Flood. DESCRIPTION: Gale force winds and high spring tides in the North Sea caused Thameside London to go on a full Flood Alert. SHOTLIST: GV Parliament. Angle Big Ben and statue of Boadicea. GV Westminster Bridge (water at high tide). GV Thames & Waterloo Bridge in background. MS Thames at high level with railings partly covered. MS ditto. MS railings nearly covered. GV Thames Embankment and RAF memorial. MS water lapping steps of memorial. GV Thames - pan to show water nearly level with pavement. LS wall being checked. MCU wall. MCU water seeping through wall. MS water at foot of steps. CU flooded pier landing stage. GV Thames. MS water round wall. GV floods in Twickenham. CU sign ‘Warning - This area is liable to flooding’. CU road sign. GV floods. GV pan floods and houses.
- Keywords
- Weather
- Locations
- London
- Card file number
- 78/5
- Credits:
- Camera
- Denis White
- Commentator
- Leonard Martin
- Camera
- Richard Day
- Length of story (in feet)
- 129
Film clip
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How to cite this record
'Thames Flood Alert', British Movietone News Issue No. 2538, 22 Jan 1978. (Accessed 06 Mar 2025)