Results: Stories
2 results found for '16647' in Company Reference.
"Here Lived Mary Newman"
- Date released
- 28 Aug 1930
- Series name
- Gaumont Graphic
- Issue no
- 2028
- NoS ID
- 384028
- Extras
- 1 film clip
NfO synopsis: Mayoress of Saltash unveils tablet to wife of Sir Francis Drake.
Miners Say They’ll Hit Coat Target
- Date released
- 15 Dec 1947
- Series name
- British Paramount News
- Issue no
- 1752
- NoS ID
- 040840
- Story no
- 3 / 3
Miners’ Secretary, Arthur Horner, claims big success for Nationalisation and five day week, pointing to ever rising output. Timber from Sweden aids manufacture of much needed coal trucks. Railways work all...