Results: Stories
14 results found for '"Race relations"' in Keyword.
Dixie - 1940
- Date released
- Jun 1940
- Series name
- The March of Time 5th Year
- Issue no
- 13
- NoS ID
- 352017
- Story no
- 1 / 1
The March of Time synopsis: Although the American Civil War ended over 70 years ago, the Southern States today are still suffering from its effects, and it is to the great problems of the 36,000,000 people...
Racial Problems
- Date released
- 2 Oct 1944
- Series name
- The March of Time 10th Year
- Issue no
- 2
- NoS ID
- 352041
- Story no
- 1 / 1
The March of Time synopsis: The latest March of Time release discusses the racial and religious differences existing in America today, and shows what is being done to combat them. At a time when unity is...
- Date released
- Mar 1947
- Series name
- This Modern Age
- Issue no
- 6
- NoS ID
- 346958
- Story no
- 1 / 1
NoS synopsis: The political problems of modern Palestine illustrated. Focuses on the conflict of Jews and Arabs which the British encounter in the administration of the territory under League of Nations...
Challenge in Nigeria
- Date released
- Jun 1948
- Series name
- This Modern Age
- Issue no
- 19
- NoS ID
- 347027
- Story no
- 1 / 1
BFI synopsis: Shows some problems to be faced before Nigeria can hope to become an independent nation within the Commonwealth. Different races and religions in Nigeria to be integrated - The Moslem...
New Zealand - A World Power
- Date released
- 23 Oct 1950
- Series name
- This Modern Age
- Issue no
- 38
- NoS ID
- 347250
- Story no
- 1 / 1
NoS synopsis: A discussion of the problems of modern New Zealand, the difficulties of attracting and helping immigrants, and solving the differences between the white and native populations.
Swearing in of Mr. Savavhu
- Date released
- 1959
- Series name
- Rhodesian Spotlight
- Issue no
- 84
- NoS ID
- 351283
- Story no
- 2 / 6
BFI synopsis: First African minister is sworn in by Lord Dalhousie.
Surprises in International Athletics
- Date released
- 1959
- Series name
- Rhodesian Spotlight
- Issue no
- 79
- NoS ID
- 351291
- Story no
- 4 / 5
BFI synopsis: Gordon Pirie beaten by a black, North Rhodesian athlete in a three mile race. The same Rhodeisan wins the one mile too.
The Indaba
- Date released
- 1960
- Series name
- Federal Spotlight
- Issue no
- 115
- NoS ID
- 351488
- Story no
- 1 / 5
BFI synopsis: A big meeting of all the races.
Salisbury Callies V Yellow Peril
- Date released
- 1960
- Series name
- Federal Spotlight
- Issue no
- 124
- NoS ID
- 351535
- Story no
- 3 / 5
BFI synopsis: An inter-racial football match.
Sir Roy Welensky at the Albert Hall
- Date released
- 23 Nov 1961
- Series name
- Federal Spotlight
- Issue no
- 142
- NoS ID
- 351453
- Story no
- 1 / 1
BFI synopsis: Roy Welensky’s address to the Institute of Directors, including his introduction, an attack on the independent black countries for their lack of democracy and the role of British industry in...