Results: Stories
4 results found for '"Borden"' in Location.
Prince with His Fusiliers
- Date released
- 6 May 1920
- Series name
- Pathe Gazette
- Issue no
- 665
- NoS ID
- 081368
- Story no
- 1 / 4
- Extras
- 1 film clip
SHOTLIST: 1. LS Prince in uniform of C-in-C holding investiture on parade ground. [27 ft] 2. Various shots group of officers seated. [30 ft] 3. LS Prince holding investiture on parade ground. [50 ft] 4. GV...
Infantry Honour Flag
- Date released
- 6 Apr 1933
- Series name
- British Paramount News
- Issue no
- 220
- NoS ID
- 032574
- Story no
- 1 / 5
Trooping the Colour. Bedford and Hertfordshire Regiment show military precision on parade to celebrate second battalion birthday.
Canada and US "Fly to Our Aid"
- Date released
- 5 Dec 1940
- Series name
- British Paramount News
- Issue no
- 1019
- NoS ID
- 037584
- Story no
- 8 / 9
- Extras
- 1 commentary sheet, 1 shot list
Canadian and Empire pilots in training. US Flying Fortresses and bomb-sight released to Britain.
Army Cyclists
- Date released
- 9 Sep 1957
- Series name
- Colour Pictorial
- Issue no
- 141
- NoS ID
- 120445
- Story no
- 4 / 4
- Extras
- 1 film clip
Pathe synopsis: As a change from the sometimes thankless and unrewarding job of teaching "rookies" how to ride motor cycles, instructors at the Army Mechanical Transport School at Bordon, Hampshire, founded...