Results: Stories
2 results found for '"Eiger"' in Location.
Alpine Rescue
- Date released
- 15 Aug 1957
- Series name
- Pathe News
- Issue no
- 57/66
- NoS ID
- 107804
- Story no
- 7 / 8
- Extras
- 1 film clip, 1 commentary sheet, 1 cameraman dope sheet, 1 shot list
In spite of a rescue struggle that has kept the world in suspense, grim Mount Eiger claims three victims out of four climbers stranded on a narrow ledge.
Tragedy and Triumph
- Date released
- 31 Mar 1966
- Series name
- Pathe News
- Issue no
- 66/26
- NoS ID
- 112014
- Story no
- 3 / 5
- Extras
- 1 film clip
Despite the tragedy of John Harlin’s death the victorious team of mountaineers who conquered the Eiger’s north face, return in triumph.